
Burial records of A...
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Burial records of August Boyne von Lazar

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I am trying to discover if there are any records in Belgrade about the death/burial of August Boyne von Lazar.  He died on August 13, 1877 in Belgrade and was buried "among the graves of the poor in the old (now-disused) churchyard of St. Mark", according to a letter written by Chedo Mijatovich.  Chedomil Mijatovich said he and "the protestant pastor" he called, when August died, buried him.  In a document I have he mentions Dr. Kongourobsky, and Dr. Vladen Georjejivitch.  I have a copy of the letter and also a copy of what was sent to my 2nd great grandmother - the death certificate.  I am attaching page 23 (of the 25 page letter) where he talks about the details of the death and burial along with my rough transcription of the page.

I will appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank you,

Connie Ihm

Posted : 22/02/2012 6:09 am
Posts: 1893
Noble Member

Hello Connie,

Ok, I checked the attached files. Some problems with the documents. The first one looks like a death certificate but its handwritten. So its not an official one, you will need to get that from the archives. If it fits the handwritten note then its adds to its validity. 

So the following steps are required to verify and validate the story.

1. Contact the archives for the death certificate,

2. Contact the Church and ask if they have any records,

Do the scans have any logo's btw? Especially the first one?


Posted : 22/02/2012 8:17 pm
Posts: 1893
Noble Member


Could you PM me your address info and I will finish the letter for you.


Posted : 25/02/2012 11:32 pm