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I am a first generation Australian. I used to live next door to my grandparents who used to tell me long stories of the old times and it bored me, now I am interested to know more of my heritage and I have no one alive to tell me. My mother's memory is no help. Can you help me.

Firstly, is Daljac of serbian descent? It may be Austro-Hungarian, as I recall grandparents talking about Ungarn, but I have memories of names like Sentivan or Sentiwan, and Apatin, donauschwaben.

My father was Michael DALJAC born 06Aug1928 I believe in Pregrevica, and my grandfather was Jacob DALJAC born 15Aug1906 (married to Katarina GERBER born 06Jul1910)......I am only concentrating on my fathers side as mother from Croatia.

I have seen articles on Hemp Industry in Batchsentiwan in 1930's where a Georg DALJAC is listed as owner of a combing factory......this could be my grandfathers brother or indeed his father? I have found details that Georg Daljac died in Gakovo in 1945 and also a Barbara GERBER who must also be a relation to grandmother). My grandfathers immigration form to Australia said his occupation was a rope maker.

I passed through Pregrevica a few years back and found NO One person who spoke english and so found nothing, tried to find cemetary, but our english, little german and bad charades could not translate to the local people.

I am fascinated to learn more, can anyone please help.


Posted : 29/09/2016 11:50 pm
Posts: 1893
Noble Member

Hello John,

Its a name that is from the region. The Vojvodina region is a mixture of people of different ethnicities so its hard to say without the information you provided. You will need someone who can translate for you or you can use the form in the download section and try to write people. Did you search the online phonebook to see if you can find people with the same surname?


Posted : 25/10/2016 8:11 am
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Attn Sergei
Ok I will try to find someone who can translate. I was hoping you could give me a bit more, but thank you. There are many DALJAC on Facebook, I could write to them and seek replies. But I have limited information on my Grandparents, so not a lot of genealogy to share with people, to ask. I havent looked at the online phonebook, as I think Facebook is even better.....its a pity that Facebook doesnt have some genealogy process within it!
Regards John

Posted : 25/10/2016 8:51 am
Posts: 1893
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Please read through the articles that we have in the learning section. In there you will also find links to databases and other information that you can use. The database for professions is one of them.


Posted : 26/10/2016 1:57 pm
Posts: 1893
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We will add a genealogy pedigree system soon that is linked with Facebook.


Posted : 10/01/2017 9:54 am