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Frequently used surnames in Benkovac, Kistanje, Ervenik, Dalmatia

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I was busy the whole day at the library checking birth records in the region above. I have collected a list of surnames that are most frequently encountered in those books during the 17th-19th century.

If people want some extra info let me know, I can check if I can find something while I browse them ;-)


Posted : 29/01/2007 4:54 pm
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Ok a prel. list of surnames that I collected these last day's.
Names in Bold are encountered more then 3 times within 3 pages of the records.


This is just the work from some days, but I hope to get more info soon.


Posted : 30/01/2007 2:53 pm
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Sergej, that is wonderful. I am interesting for all information about surname Grbić. Families Grbić should be live in this area in 17th century, in village Oton that is close to Ervenik.
I would like to know also about surnames Jovanić and Jakšić. From some information all these three families lived in Dalmatia 17th century and moved to Lika around 1700 year.
Thank you very mach for your help.

Posted : 30/01/2007 11:59 pm
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Zdravo Miroslav,

I will keep it in English because we have a large diaspora that wants this information as well and most of them don't speak Serbian. But if you have questions Serbian is fine for me as well.

I did encounter the surnames Jovanić and Jakšić in the books of Ervenik. Most likely their data is recorded in the books of Sveti Nikola in Ervenik. Now from what I know from the area is that families did move around a bit, some families from Slovenia moved there are as well. The problem is that during the last war, warring parties managed to blow up most of the data during fighting so the books that I am consulting now are not complete. There are big gaps. I dont know if you live in Serbia, but if you live in Croatia the LDS church has a Family History Library center where you can request a copy or extract from these microfilms.

As to origins, the books list the following information:

* Date and time of birth with new and old calendar date,
* Place of birth,
* Priest/Docter present,
* Name of child,
* Name of the parents,
* If the child was born in wedlock,
* If not born in wedlock reason why; lot of cases one of the two was too young to get married,
* Name of witnesses,
* Name + date of christening and church name,

I must say that the info I encountered so far was pretty complete and in a good state. The recorded info is clear and there is no "discrimination" when it came to children being born in wedlock or not. You should know some countries in those day's also recorded that info but simply stated "Bastard" or "child of a whore". I am happy that the Genealogical Society of Utah microfilmed in Croatia. I only hope they will in Serbia as well in the future because it will preserve our heritage.

As for Oton, I will see if I encounter people born there. Most likely though everything that is in the vicinity of Ervenik is mentioned as Ervenik Donj. in the books. An interesting thing as well is to note that some Serbs in absence of a Orthodox Church recorded their info in Catholic books and churches. So if you plan to do research there I would advice consulting all sources, mainly because of the volatile history and that a lot of documents have been lost.


Posted : 31/01/2007 8:14 am
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Sergej, this is only way for me to find this information because I live in Canada. I still hope you will find some Grbics in those books.
Also, please let us know if you find some records of these members from Jakšić,2620 and Jovanić,2253 family. In brackets is year of the birth.

Marko Jakšić (1679)
Stanko Jakšić (1682)
Vujasin Jakšić (1684)

Radivoj Jovanić (1657)
Milic Jovanić (1672)
Jovan Jovanić (1677)
Miladin Jovanić (1686)



Posted : 02/02/2007 3:51 am
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You can go to the Family History Library Center and request these microfilms. You can then make an appointment and read through them yourself. Just checkout which one is closest to you.

At the moment I am already doing research into 6 names, if I do see something I will let you know but you can for sure check them out yourself. Do you read Cyrillic?


Posted : 02/02/2007 11:53 am
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Yes, of course.

Posted : 02/02/2007 1:02 pm
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Good, just checking. You might encounter Church Slavonic but thats easy to read.
One tip, bring your digital camera with you and also take a picture if you find anything. Write down the book, page and entry number as well.


Posted : 02/02/2007 9:21 pm
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Sergej, please can you add just one more surname, Budimir, to previous 3 surnames. These surnames are from Zrmanja - Gracac area that came from Dalmatia in beginning 18. century. Thanks.


Posted : 04/02/2007 8:14 am
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Will do, if you have any info on the following names please let me know: Arambašić, Ugrčić and Torbica Doesnt matter which year(s).


Posted : 04/02/2007 8:53 am
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Family Torbica

In 1712 families Torbica lived in 3 houses in Udbina (Lika). Some their names were Cvijo (30 year old), Maksim (33) and Trifun (27). In year 1915. Torbicas lived in Srb area in 19 houses: Tiskovac(12) , Srb(6) and Donji Lapac.

Torbicas also lived in Donje Vrtoče (Drvar) in first half of last century. They came from Vagan (Lika) after 1878 and in Vagan came from Plavno. Before their name was Dobrijević. Their patron saint is St. Stevan.

Posted : 04/02/2007 2:29 pm
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Thnx, where did you get the info from? Any references. I only know of 1 Torbica moving to Serbia.


Posted : 04/02/2007 2:35 pm
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Popis Like i Krbave 1712 - Karl Kaser - from book “Plemenski rječnik Ličko-krbavske županije 1915” -Sela i okolina - some of this information are from book “Unac”- Petar Radjenovic

Posted : 04/02/2007 5:09 pm
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Family Arambašić
Surname Arambašić(as Harambasik) appears at end of 17. century in Lika, in villages Jošani and Komić. After war 1689. empty Jošani again settled in 1693. and Komić in 1700. Some names of those Arambašić are Todor, Dragić and his son Manojlo. *) In 1915. families Arambašić lived in 9 houses in villages Jošani and Vrhovine. **)

*) “Popis Like i Krbave 1712.g” - Karl Kaser
**)“Plemenski rječnik Ličko-krbavske županije iz 1915.g”

Posted : 04/02/2007 5:16 pm
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Thank you, I will surely get those books.

For those interested about the surname Arambašić :

The name is of Arab/Turkish origin and comes from "Harambaša" denoting the leadership position of the "Hajduks'"


Posted : 04/02/2007 6:05 pm
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