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Hi Jugoslava,

Thank you for the further information, I will give you further details as to which year from the Municipal Office (Gruntovnica) next time I speak to my father.

I am fully aware that nicknames stick, and that the christened name sometimes goes astray and is forgotten. As a good example of that my father was christened Vaskrsija, a name he has never used all of his documents reflect the short "Vaso" ..

According to my father an unimportant detail while we were arguing the point as is the way of fathers and sons to argue about everything be it white and calling it black.

I did win the point and said to him well if you weren't here and I was trying to find your name in church records, how would I tie them in from land purchases you made from the area. Would you name be listed as Vaso or Vaskrsija.. well of course he said Vaskrsija point and case argument won,, lol.

There was an old villager that remembered Duka Sukunda, I was visiting my Grandmother and taking shortcuts through a village when an old man that I had never seen or met before pulled me up and said hello as is the custom and said I was Stojan's grandson, Vaso's son. 

I asked him how he knew who I was he said he knew my grandfather well and that I looked like him.

My father knew who he was and took over some plum brandy and some small gifts as a thank you, as my father cannot remember his father nor is there a picture of him. I am in the process of harrassing the military to see if there is a photographic record of him somewhere.. a story for another time.

Anyway my father spoke with this man in detail he was over 90 years of age back in the early 70's he told my father that he knew (or knew of Duka) that was my fathers first clue, and he knew of others in our family tree.

I consider ourselves lucky to have gotten as far as we have and if not for the assistance of this forum we would be so far behind.

Particular thanks to Mr Demic from this organisation he has been a fenomenal help and guiding hand.

As far as the surname Šukunda being šukunded/šukundjed/šukunđed being a derivative of that, it is quite possible and it makes sense to some degree.

I think that the surname itself has deeper roots though than being just a derivative. I have some information on which I am waiting for confirmation, there is an indication that our family tribe ( the Sukunda's) perhaps migrated from Greece, I am waiting on articles that is to say the references from where this was obtained.

The other two theory's is that we are from Austro Hungaria somewhere, which I have a friend researching for me who is an expert in the military of the period. Looking for our surname through military archives of that period.

And the third is that our Surname is of Indo European roots, it would make sense to some degree, for if you search for our surname without the hyphen Š and S instead we have a holly Indian relic we are named after :)... a lamp of all things.

So thanks to Mr Demic, we do know one thing that is in concrete and that is that the first mention of our Surname is with Moisia Šukunda 1771 as a Monk under the Austro Hungarian regime, so it will be an interesting trek to see where if at all possible the Surname was coined if at all.. At least we know that a record exists that is that old so hopefully another will pop up somewhere along the line.

We have been sending to other Sukunda's we find on face book etc etc, it is no surprise that many of them have the same questions as we do and are participating in building our tree as well as theirs.

I have been sharing information with them as to what we have found, we have currently expanded our searching to Canada and the US, there seemed to be a huge exodus of our family line in the late 1800's around the 1890 period.

Some are well informed others not so well informed but we all have a common thread and that is the Region from Glina, we need to break out from there and see if there are any bread crumbs that lead elsewhere.

An interesting fact that we did find from the records of Births Deaths and Marriages from archives in Sisak.. which I had to of course pay for but I have also shared these with Mr Demic.

Normally in the period people with the same Surname do not inter marry as a matter of fact people of the same Slava generally tend not to intermarry as well due to a relationship possibility.

We did find one marriage record where a Sukunda married a Sukunda. Both parents of the bride and groom were Sukunda's as well. So does this mean an English kissing cousins type of marriage which is not A typical for the period particulary for us or the other question were there more familys there that emigrated to the area that were far enough from being related that it was ok to marry into the same Surname. I guess we will never know but its an interesting topic over a cup of coffee or something stronger.

Anyways I digressed a little from your topic.

I agree, nicknames miss spellings of names or just taking the common name and not having care of dutry makes life a little misserable in trying to tie in families.

I have a gut feel that Duka (Dorode Duro Djuro) or whatever derivative was not an only son, and that he did have brothers or sisters we only need to tie them in.

I am currently waiting on some Micro Film to arrive from the US for the period 1857, to the Geneological Society of Victoria here in Australia to browse through that to see whats what.

Hopefully that will uncover some further bread crumbs for us to follow.


Yugoslava thank you very much for taking an interst.

Ziva mi bila..



Oh and as a by the by, thank you for letting me post in English, I agree that others who may not read or write Serbian would benefit.

Not everyone is able to to understand the mothers language and I'm sure that it can be a real endeavor tracking family if the language is foreign to you.

I have always said its not the language or the the national dress that defines you but how you define and carry your culture, customs that defines us as a people and nationality.





Posted : 06/09/2012 11:50 am
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Moja majka je iz Gline (Majske Poljane).

Njena majka se prezivela "Relic" a otac "Smiljanic"

Evo imena koju znam:

Porodica Relic

Stevan Relic (pra deda moje majke ) ; njegovo djece Pavao Relic, Ilija Relic, Mico Relic i Pepa Relic.

Pavao Relic (deda moje majke) : njegovo djece Stevo Relic, Branko Relic, Ruzica Relic, Danica Relic i Ana Relic

Porodica Smiljanic

Todor Smiljanic ( pra deda moje majke) ; njegovo djeca Dmitar Smiljanic, Adam Smiljanic

(mozda imao jos dece ja neznam)

Dmitar Smiljanic (deda moje majke); njegovo dece Milka Smiljanic, Evica Smiljanic,Ana Smiljanic, Nikola Smiljanic, Duro Smiljanic, Mara Smiljanic


Htela bi da znam vise uvezi njih. Bila bi veoma srecna ako me pomognete. Ja zivim u Australiji tako da je veoma tesko da istrazivam drukcije.





Posted : 18/10/2012 2:52 am
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Pomoćićemo ako možemo , u narednih nedelju dana pregledaću šta je dostupno ali bi datumi ili godine rođenja pomogli za one za koje znate. Takođe ako ima na bilo kom dokumentu kućni broj to je jako važno.


( if it is easier you are welcome to post in English your questions and info )

Posted : 30/10/2012 3:56 pm
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Hvala za odgovor.

Za Smiljanica znam da su ziveli i Majskim Poljanama / Glina. Neznam odakle dolaze.

Naj stare ime je Todor Smiljanic (neznam datum rodenje)

Zatim njegovi sinovi Dmitar Smiljanic (1871-1935) i Adam Smiljanic (Neznam datum rodenje)

Dmitar Smiljanic je bio ozenjen sa Ljubica Smiljanic (Devojacko Cuckovic, 1871-1945)

Ljubica (moja pra baka)  je imala rodenu sestru koja je bila udata za "Roksandic". Njezin sin "Dusko Roksandic" (1922 - 2003)  je bio pisac i pisao igre za pozoriste (naprimer  "Kula Vavilonska" ili "Ptica bez jata" Zanima me takode porodica Cuckovic . Jer neznam mnogo uvezi njih.

Relici su ziveli u Gornjem Seliste / Glina. Neznamodakle dolaze.

Naj staro ime je Stevan Relic (neznam kad se rodijo) i bio ozenjen sa Petra Relic (rodena Jednak). Njegovi djeca su bili Pavao Relic (? - 1942), Ilija Relic, Pepa Relic i Mico Relic.

Zanima me odakle su dosli i kad su dosli Smiljanici i Relici ?

Hvala puno. puno pozdrav.



Posted : 03/02/2013 2:34 pm
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I am new here.  I see that there is Vranjesh listed in Balinac, but I thought our grandfather came from Gornji Primishlje.  What help can you give me?  Thank you very much in advance!

Posted : 20/02/2013 9:51 pm
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pokusavam da nadjem bilo kakve podatke o mom dedi Zagorac Tatomir. Ovde se spominje kao povjerenik 


8836 1935 Šukunda Aleksandar Milošev Petkovac, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, uč., Svodna Sekulić Jovan, pekar, Bela Crkva

da je bio ucitelj u Svodni to je jedino sto znam. Bila bih zahvalna za bilo kakav podatak o njemu... hvala unaprijed 

Jelena Zagorac 


Posted : 01/05/2013 10:03 pm
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Pozdrav, Jelena. Vaš đed se pominje kao učitelj u selima Devetaci i Svodna, u periodu od 1930-1941. godine.

Evo Vam tabele, u pitanju je spisak pitomaca, povjerenika i poslodavaca Srpskog privrednog društva "Privrednik" iz Zagreba.


ID Godina Prezime Ime Skrbnik Mjesto Povjerenik Poslodavac
24483 1930 Vujanović Velimir Stojanov 9 Lješljani, Dobrljin Zagorac Tatomir, uč. Devetaci Miloradović Borisav, bravar, Beograd
24499 1930 Vujanović Radivoje Markov 13 Lješljani, Dobrljin Zagorac P. Tatomir, uč., Devetaci Kuzmanović Đorđe, limar, Požarevac
26661 1933 Pilipović Branko Ljubin 39 Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac P. Tatomir, uč., Svodna Franc. i Srpska knjižara, knjižar, Beograd, Kolarčeva 10
28112 1934 Karanović Đorđe Vasin Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, učitelj, Svodna Pejović Vlada, trg. meš., Soko Banja
28830 1935 Kragulj Žarko Dušanov Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, uč., Svodna Živulović Svetislav, trg. meš., Vel. Orašje
28836 1935 Šukunda Aleksandar Milošev Petkovac, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, uč., Svodna Sekulić Jovan, pekar, Bela Crkva
28837 1935 Kragulj Živko Perin Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, uč., Svodna Lego Petar, strugar, Vel. Kikinda
28838 1935 Dmitrašinović Mladen Ilijin 22 Petkovac, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, uč., Svodna Šikoparija Živojin, ćurčija, Titel
30942 1937 Gnjatović Spaso Markov Prusci, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Katurić S. Gojko, trg. meš., Crkvice
30945 1937 Kačavenda Mihailo Mirkov Prusci, Bos. Novi Zagorac M. Tatomir, up. šk., Svodna Pavlović J. Radivoj, pekar, Bos. Novi
30960 1937 Šobota Milan Ilijin Dragotinja, Prijedor Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Molnar Šandor, kovač i potkivač, Bezdan
31462 1938 Stanković Slavko Lazin Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, up. šk., Svodna Stojanović Đorđe, obućar, Beograd, Koste Glavinića 19
31472 1938 Šobot Dragan Pavlov Dragotinja, Prijedor Zagorac Tatomir, up šk., Svodna Ricman Henrik, stolar, St. Sivac
33085 1939 Janjetović-Ješić Dušan Ostojin Svodna, B. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Grujić Ivan, trg. meš., Sefkerin
33868 1939 Kragulj Dušan Vasin 85 Svodna, B. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Huj-Preh Viktor, mlinar, Bela Crkva
33869 1939 Mutić Dragan Perin 89 Svodna, Bos. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Lukač Neđela, korpar, V. Kikinda
35457 1941 Bekić Stevan Milin 7 Svodna, B. Novi Zagorac Tatomir, upr. šk., Svodna Dimitrijević Kaja, trg. kol., Aleksinac


Na spisku žrtava Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1941-1945) iz sela Svodna (Bos.Novi), spominje se vaš đed, Zagorac Pere Tatomir, rođen 1903. godine, Srbin, poginuo je u partizanima 1942. godine, u Banja Luci. Bio je rodom iz sela Kola (Banja Luka).

Nešto više o selu Kola kod Banja Luke:


Pozdrav, Petar.

Posted : 02/05/2013 5:39 am
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zdravo, moja deda je Nikola Smiljanic iz majske poljane. Ali kada sam pocela da istrazivam "smiljanica" u majskim poljanama u istoriju nisam mogla da nadem to prezime. Zasto ? Znam da mije pradeda Dmitar i njegov brat Adam Smiljanic su isto ziveli u majskim poljanama. Takode znam da im se otac zvao Todor Smiljanic (moj cukun deda) ali nisam sigurna da li je i on tu ziveo ili dosao iz drugog mesta. Znali te nesto o tome ?

Posted : 12/07/2013 4:05 pm
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Smiljanića je 1948. godine oko Gline bilo u mjestima:

1) Buzeta (1 kuća, 2 osobe)

2) Glina (3 kuće, 7 osoba; 1 osoba bez svoje kuće)

3) Majske Poljane (1 kuća, 5 osoba)

4) Roviška (1 osoba bez svoje kuce)

ukupno: 5 kuća, 16 osoba


Smiljanići iz okoline Gline se ne pominju ni među pitomcima Srpskog privrednog društva "Privrednik" iz Zagreba (1897-1946), ni u spiskovima dobrovoljaca Kraljevine Srbije (1912-1918), ni u spisku žrtava Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1941-1945).


Prezime Smiljanić je dosta često među Srbima u Hrvatskoj. Za više podataka treba nam vaša krsna slava.

Posted : 13/07/2013 3:28 am
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Pozdrav svima, i veliko hvala ljudima koji vode ovaj vebsajt! Pokusavam da pronadjem vise podataka o svom djedu Milanu Solaru iz Šibina, i njegovim precima. Znam da je rodjen oko otprilike 1910-1915 i poginuo 1942/43, otac mu je bio ja mislim Djuro Solar i na zalost nista drugo ne znam o toj grani familije. Uvijek sam mislio da su sve stare knjige stradale u ratu i da nema nade da saznam nesto vise, ali sad kad sam naisao na ovaj vebsajt nadam se da cu saznati barem nesto. Hvala veliko!

Posted : 10/12/2013 1:43 pm
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Prema zvaničnom popisu žrtava rata SOLAR MILAN, od oca Đure, iz sela ŠIBINE, rođen je 1913. a poginuo 1943. na Sutjesci.

Ovo su starije matične knjige iz XIX veka, a pogledajte da li vam je neko od predaka bio i među pitomcima ili poslodavcima Srpskog Privrednog Društva "Privrednik" :

Za novije matične knjige i podatke iz njih moraćete u arhive u Hrvatsku. Gospodin koji je vlasnik portala je nedavno bio tamo i popisao je sve koje se nalaze u arhivu Gospić ( uz ogradu da su neke matične knjige rođenih samo naknadno rekonstruisane nakon 1945. i u njih su upisani samo oni koji su posle rata bili živi) . Taj spisak će biti i ovde kod nas objavljen, a za sada ga imate ovde :

Za ostale arhive imamo podatke za DASK arhiv u Sisku i arhiv u Zadru. Arhiv u Sisku ima i internet pretraživač na svojoj stranici ovde:

Posted : 10/12/2013 4:16 pm
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Hvala Jugoslava!
Zna li se nesto o porijeklu prezimena Solar - etimologija i odakle dolaze Solari?
Vidim da bi moglo vise podataka da se pronadje u Arhivu u Sisku - znate li da li je potrebno da se licno ode u Arhiv ili se dokumenti mogu naruciti preko interneta?

Posted : 11/12/2013 2:02 pm
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Da morate otići i raditi u arhivu Sisak ALI.

-Prvo uputite zvaničan upit da li se one MK koje vas tačno zanimaju i za koje su oni zakonski nadležni i koji bi po zakonu tamo morale biti uopšte nalaze u njihovom fizičkom posedu ili su usled okolnosti koje su izvan njihovih mogućnosti negde drugde, u nekim slučajevima čak i na njima nepoznatoj lokaciji. :(

Zaposleni u tom arhivu su izuzetno stručni i profesionalni i sigurna sam da će vam pomoći koliko je to objektivno u okviru i nadležnosti njihovog posla, i problemi istraživanja porekla porodica na tom području vezani su za neke druge stvari kojima se mi ovde bavimo samo u toj meri da ćemo vas upozoriti na raskorak između kataloga, zakona i stvarnog stanja na terenu.

Za etimologiju moram pregledati izvore pa ću vam ostaviti poseban komentar. ostale izvore podataka i preporuke za istraživanje pogledajte ovde :

( uz posebnu preporuku da potražite starog sisačkog paroha oca Olujića koji je najbolje upućen u to šta postoji u crkvenim arhivama i gde )

a za to područje izuzetno je interesantan izvor podataka i zbirka popisa vojnih obveznika Austrijske i Austrougarske vojske dostupna za pretragu po godinama ovde:

Posted : 11/12/2013 3:51 pm
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Hvala za odgovor, slava smiljanica je "durdevdan" . hvala

Posted : 12/12/2013 12:27 am
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I am new at this and all my relatives are deceased. I have many pictures that I'd like to post but do not no how. I cannot find my relatives. Velibor Videnovic. One picture of my great grandmother and child in front of a store F. Karasek. Looks like they sold headstones and caskets. On the back Palanka backa stamp fotograf. Any help would be appreciated

Posted : 15/12/2013 10:21 am
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