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Grandparents family information

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Grandfather - Simo Vrlinic Born 1878 Arrived in U.S. 1895. Became a businessman and a politician in McKees Rocks,PA. Died May 1918. Arrived wirh Brother Rade 25 years old.

Grandmother - Milica Vukcevich Born 1893 Arrived in U.S. 1901. Married Simo and had three children,Marthe,Marie and William

Posted : 30/04/2013 7:55 pm
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Do you know the place of origin of your ancestors?


If you have any documents like ship manifests, naturalization papers, census documents, or the certificates issued by the church after emigrating please send them to my email [email protected] - I need to review all information you have from original sources to be able to asssist you.


As a general pointer - most VRLINIĆ family members emigrated from the ethnic Serbian community in Slovenia , you can read more on them here in the article I wrote for our research section:

Posted : 03/05/2013 6:32 pm
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Meni su poznati Vrlinići iz sela Bojanci u Beloj krajini. Pretpostavljam da su od njih, mada ne mora značiti.

Posted : 03/05/2013 7:45 pm
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For Rade and Simo Vrlinić, arriving in 1895. from village Bojanci ( surname in ship manifest written as VERLINIC) - that village is now in Slovenia, and it is a part of the community I wrote about in that article.

I believe that your VUKČEVIĆ ancestor is also from same community, and it is still part of the church parishes that belong to monastery Gomirje in Croatia ( just Aacross the border).

The current head of the monastery is a Vukčević from Bojanci too. :)


I will need you to look up any information available in the US from after their emigrating - naturalization papers, WWI and WWII draft cards, and especially any certificates of marriage or birth of children you can obtain from Serbian Orthodox Church in US if family belonged to it after emigrating.  On lists of donations, marriage registration , there is often information written on the exact address in the old country. Crucial piece of info for researching ethnic Serbs is the household number.


Also - a question - do you have any document or even a letter where any of them used a middle name? Serbs have no middle names and the name they wrote or gave instead of it was according to the customs the first name of their father.


Posted : 04/05/2013 1:54 pm
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For Bojanci village, land register information, year 1895. for the part DONJI (LOWER) BOJANCI this land register has household numbers - most important piece of information for researching the church and civil vital records to distinguish between families with same surname . These people were the heads of households in year 1895. ( where  only a woman is listed the male head is deceased). I put the names in their native tongue spelling in the brackets.

description of archival document: DOLNJI BOJANCI, nadrobna delitev (RU 25/1895)
Čas nastanka PE: 1895,Nivo popisa: Združeni dokumenti, Spisi o nadrobni delitvi od 1 - 39. Tehnični spis: mapa - naris agrarne operacije

Dolnji Bojanci :

Šimun Verlinič, Dolnji Bojanci 1, (SIMO VRLINIĆ)

Ivan in Marta Verlinič,  Dolnji Bojanci 2, (JOVAN i MARTA VRLINIĆ)

Pavel Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 3, (PAVLE  RADOJČIĆ)

Niko Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 4, ( NIKOLA RADOJČIĆ)

Marija Verlinič, Dolnji Bojanci 5, (MARIJA VRLINIĆ)

Miko Verlinič, Dolnji Bojanci 6 in 7, ( MIRKO VRLINIĆ)

Šimun Kordič, Dolnji Bojanci 8, (SIMO KORDIĆ)

Rade Verlinič, Dolnji Bojanci 9, (RADE VRLINIĆ)

Ivan Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 10, (JOVAN RADOJČIĆ)

Ilija Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 12,  (ILIJA RADOJČIĆ)

Miko Ivanič, Dolnji Bojanci 27, ( MIRKO IVANIĆ)

Rade Kordič, Dolnji Bojanci 30,  (RADE KORDIĆ)

Miko Kordič, Dolnji Bojanci 38, (MIRKO KORDIĆ)

Šimun Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 39 in 40, (SIMO RADOJČIĆ)

Miko Kordič, Dolnji Bojanci 41, (MIRKO KORDIĆ)

Mitar Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 46, (MITAR RADOJČIĆ)

Peter Ikovič, Dolnji Bojanci 53, (PETAR IKOVIĆ)

Rade Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 53, (RADE RADOJČIĆ)

Stana Verlinič, Dolnji Bojanci 54, (STANA VRLINIĆ)

Peter Radojčič, Dolnji Bojanci 56. (PETAR RADOJČIĆ)


and here is the same report for the remaining Bojanci families from 1899., for the part listed as GORNJI (upper) BOJANCI village:

Gornji Bojanci 1899. :


Rade Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 13 in 14,  (RADE VRLINIĆ)

Stana Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 16, (STANA VRLINIĆ)

Ivan Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 17, (JOVAN VRLINIĆ)

Miha Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 18, (MIHAJLO VRLINIĆ)

Štefan Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 19, (STEFAN VRLINIĆ)

Šimon Radojčič, Gornji Bojanci 20, (SIMO VRLINIĆ)

Miko Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 26 in 28, (MIRKO VRLINIĆ)

Ilija Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 29, (ILIJA VRLINIĆ)

Ilija Radojčič, Gornji Bojanci 31, (ILIJA RADOJČIĆ)

Šimon Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 48, (SIMO VRLINIĆ)

Peter Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 49, (PETAR VRLINIĆ)

Miko in Ana Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 50, (MIRKO I ANA VRLINIĆ)

Milica Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 55, (MILICA VRLINIĆ)

Ana Verlinič, Gornji Bojanci 59. (ANA VRLINIĆ)


source of information : Slovenian state archives publicly available land register information :



 you must obtain birth certificate of your VRLINIĆ ancestor from municipal office in Slovenia, or have someone research the church vital records of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the state archive in Maribor to be able to confirm the household number and the family your ancestor belonged to. ( household number is listed in all vital records - records of birth, baptism, marriage and death).

Posted : 04/05/2013 3:04 pm