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i just found out my great-grandfather Rade Kosanovic was born in Ogulin..

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We know he was born 02 May 1887 in Ogulin, Austria. His father's name was Sava Kosanovic and his mother was Miliza Kukic. He immigrated to the U.S.A. to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. he was married in St Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church. I know it is important to the family to mention the Saint. A man named Bozo Gojsovic help bring 500 people from the Kordun region to live in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I have been looking for years to find where my great-grandfather came from. If there is any family left I would like to get in touch with them. I am worried the forced move from the Korlovac County after WWII. I saw Kosanovic and Kukic names both mentioned in that post of the 1070 families which were forced out. Any help finding anyone left of this family would be great. Thank you.

Posted : 08/11/2018 11:40 pm
Posts: 74
Estimable Member Admin

You are correct, there is a large group that moved to Vojvodina, I don't know if that rings any bells? What did you try thus far? Do you speak Serbian?

Posted : 10/11/2018 3:20 pm
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I am sorry I don’t speak Serbian. I was so happy just to find where he was born that I posted to this site right away. I found this website over a year ago and have studied everything I can find about the lifestyle of the Serbian people. I know that the family is very close so I was hoping someone might know which monastery was close to Ogulin. I could then send a letter to them. Other than this site have you heard of KUkIC or KOSANOVIC? Are they very common? Thank you for responding. I am very grateful for any help. These two families are like lost children to me. I will not stop searching for them. Thank you again. I will try to learn the language now..

Posted : 10/11/2018 6:24 pm
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Жао ми је што не говорим српски. Био сам сретан само да пронађем где је рођен што сам одмах поставио на ову страницу. Нашао сам ову веб страницу пре више од годину дана и проучио све што могу да пронађем о начину живота српског народа. Знам да је породица веома близу, па сам се надао да би неко могао знати који манастир је био близу Огулина. Потом бих могао послати писмо њима. Осим ове странице, да ли сте чули за КУкИЋ или КОСАНОВИЋ? Да ли су веома чести? Хвала вам што сте одговорили. Веома сам захвалан за сваку помоћ. Ове две породице су ми као изгубљена деца. Нећу престати да их тражим. Хвала још једном. Покушаћу да научим језик сада .. (i used translator)

Posted : 11/11/2018 8:04 am
Posts: 1893
Noble Member

Good, I see you found out about Google Translate.
The names you mentioned are still used today in Vojvodina .
Do you have contact with the aforementioned Serbian Orthodox Church?


Posted : 18/11/2018 9:38 am