
Lojanica family gen...
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Lojanica family geneology/ancestry

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I am looking for family name Lojanica ancestry. My recently deceased grandfather, Lojanica Milija, was from Cajetina (Uzice and Zlatibor area) and I was told the great great great ancestors came somewhere from Hercegovina. Aside from my great grand father (my grandfather's father), we do not have any more information about our ancestry going back in time. This is on my mom's side. Please let me know if you know anything about the origin of the last name or about this family. This may help me direct my research correctly.

Posted : 31/12/2005 4:30 am
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Yes they are from the Herzegovina region. My question to you is if you are living in the region (Serbia-Montenegro) or if you live abroad?


Posted : 31/12/2005 9:25 am
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I currently live in Chicago w my husband. I visit Belgrade w my husband once a year as all of my family and my husband's family live in Serbia. I was born in Belgrade and I am fully fluent in Serbian as well. I came to U.S. in my late teens. My husband is Serbian as well - also born there. I also found out - just today - my grandfather's father - Lojanica Budimir - from Uzice area (Susice) as well - and his father - Lojanica Veljko. However, that's where everything ends. I guess I am trying to find out how far I can determine my Lojanica ancestors. Any pointers for me would be great.

Posted : 31/12/2005 7:22 pm
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Well, were your father and grandfather born in Belgrade or that region? If so then you first need to backstep the line. So basically you start with you and then it goes something like this:

Great Grandfather etc

In each case you see where he was born. This is very important because the Serbian archives are divided into districts. So in case your father and grandfather you can get their info from the Municipality --Opstina.
So for your grandfather and his father you would have to go to Uzice and do some old fashioned research in the books there.


Posted : 01/01/2006 6:25 pm
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Hello T. Brankovic,

I am Lojanica and from what I've heard and been told by my grandmother (my grandfather passed away before I was born) and also my uncles and my father is that we are originally from Kolasin (Kolashin) Montenegro and also during Turkish occupation my Great Grandparents were forced leave to Kolasin and relocate somewhere else. I am not sure whether we belong to the same roots but if you wish to find out more about this let me know.


Posted : 07/02/2006 5:25 am
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Lojanice su se doselile, na podrucje opstine Cajetina u devetnestom veku,iz Kucina.Ima ih u Branescima,Drezniku,Krivoj Reci.Slave Nikoljdan.Popisu iz 1863 godine U Branescima je popisana jedna Kuca Lojanica:
22,Miljailo Lojanica,zemljoradnik 22g,zena Stamena 21g,sin Janko 1g, brat Petar21g,Milija 17g,Miloje 12g,sestra Stanica 18g,Stamena 13gMika 5g.
y3 njive 6 rala zemlje.y 2 livade 6 kosa trave i dve staje
Vrednost imanja 30 dukata.
Mesecni prihod 8 talira.
Kuca lojanica se nalazi na putu Uzice-Cajetina davno sam poznavao jednog Lojanicu ali se nesecam imena .
Pozdrav Srecko.

Posted : 10/04/2006 12:33 am
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Samo da dodam, ti verovatno vodis poreklo od Milije 17g,Normalna je pojava u to vreme bila da kum, koji je davao imena deci,prvom unuku u kuci daje ime po dedi.Tako da je sigurno da je tvoj deda dobio ime po svom dedi.
A mesto " Kucina" iz koga poticete neznam gde se nalazi ali verovatno ima veze sa plemenom Kuca.


Posted : 10/04/2006 2:14 am
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Da- moj deda je Milija Lojanica, tako da ja mozda vodim poreklo od te grane Milije iz popisa 1863. Moj deda Milija se rodio 1920(i neke) a njegov otac se zvao Budimir i rodio se negde krajem 19-og veka. Budimir je mozda od Milijine grane, a moj deda verovatno Milijin unuk ili manje verovatnije pra-unuk. Budimir se doselio u Cajetinu na imanje svoje zene iz tog sela na Uzickom putu koje ste spomenuli - gde ima dosta Lojanica.

Mislim da je grana koju ste gore opisali povezana sa mojim dedom, ali moram da se raspitam.

Hvala najlepse na informacijama. Kako znate ove detalje..? Ako bih ja krenula da trazim po selima, da li znate kako se zove to selo ..?

Posted : 10/04/2006 3:07 pm
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Podatke sam nasao u knjizi,
"Stanovnistvo Zlatibora" od Dr Stevana Igica,knjiga je izasla 2002 u samo 500 primeraka.Podaci su uzeti iz arhiva Srbije.Godinu dana posto su turke oterali,vlast je napravila,popis u Srbiji 1863god.Ja sam rodom iz tok kraja ali nisam tamo odrastao.znam otprilike gde je kuca Lojanica na Zlatiborskom putu .Mislim da se taj kraj zove Susica.


Posted : 10/04/2006 9:52 pm