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Looking for "Panjkovic" family from Krbavica

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I didn't really choose the religion of the church. I just tried to get as much microfilm from i could find that region of croatia. I don't think there are many catholic churches in the region, but I can try to check to see if there are any in the neighboring villages.

Do you have a source that confirms that my name is from German descent, or did you pick that up from a previous post?


Posted : 07/07/2007 6:16 am
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There are a lot of "Serbs" that are of German/Saxon descent. I recognize this name from one of my researches and I believe it to be Schwabian but I could be wrong so it still would be prudent to check it. In some cases when lacking an Orthodox Church in the region Serbs went to the Catholic Church.


Posted : 13/07/2007 9:36 am
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Hi Dragan,
From my Tree:
Bosiljka Dmitrasinovic is daughter of Djuro Djukan Dmitrasinovic (born 1884) in Trnavac,Korita, Croatias and Marija Grahovac)
She has married Panjkovic from Krbavica. I don”št have his name, ancestors and descendants. Do zou have?
I have much more individuals of Dmitrasinovic familly so maybe we can merge some informations?
Govoriš i pišeš srpski?
Dusan Bastasic
[email protected]

Posted : 18/01/2009 10:25 pm
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Zdravo Dusan,

Naso sam ime "Bosiljka" ali ne mogu 100% tvrditi da je prizme Dmitrasinovic. Muž je bilo Milan, i imali su 4 djece. (Draga, Djoko, Ljubica i Mile). Nemam više podataka nego to. (neznam gde su zivili i kada su rodjen).



Posted : 11/02/2009 9:36 am
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Its been a while since my last post. I have found some more information on PETAR PANJKOVIC (Born 1812). I found some references in an Austro-Hungarian military book for Petar Panjkovic, in the 1850's. He was awarded with a medal called the "order of the Iron crown - Class III" . His rank was "Hauptleute 2. Classe" and was part of the "23 Ungarisches Infanterie-Regiment".

I am not sure if this is my relative until I find the military records, and confirm the date of Birth. Has anyone tried getting records from the Austrian Army? If so do you have any tips and what information is available?

Našao sam informacije o PETAR Panjković (roč‘en 1812). Ima neke reference u austro-ugarso vojske knjige za Petar Panjković, u 1850. On je bio nagrač‘en medaljom naziva "order of the Iron crown - Class III". On je bio "Hauptleute 2. Classe" u "23. Ungarisches Infanterie-Regiment."

Ja nisam siguran ako ovaj je moj roč‘ak dok ne nač‘em vojne evidencije, da potvrdim datum roč‘enja. Da li neko pokušao dobivanje zapisa iz austrijske vojske? Dali imate bilo kakvih savjeta i informacija što je na raspolaganju?


Posted : 21/10/2009 11:45 am
Posts: 1893
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Austria and Germany know strict privacy laws so you will need to contact them and ask for permission in writing before you can just walk in and start researching.


Posted : 26/10/2009 4:20 pm
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