
Marta VUJNOVIĆ Spi...
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Marta VUJNOVIĆ Spisak čamaca 1907

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Prabaka Marta Vujnović došla je u Sjedinjene Američke Države parnim brodom Caronia koji je 26. marta 1907. godine isplovio iz Engleske iz Liverpula i stigao u luku Njujork 5. aprila 1907. Sa njom su dvoje dece, ćerka Smilja i sin Niko. , svi idu u ulicu Carson 2844 da se pridruže Peri Vujnoviću, mužu i ocu. Mesto rođenja krajnje desno = Vitunj, Hrvatska. Smilju sam intervjuisao još 1986. godine i ona mi je rekla sve što je znala o svojim roditeljima.
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Great Grandma Marta Vujnović came to the United States on the Steam Ship Caronia which departed Liverpool, England on March 26, 1907 and arrived in the Port of New York on April 5, 1907. With her are her two children, daughter Smilja and son Niko, all going to 2844 Carson Street to join Pero Vujnović, husband and father. Place of Birth far right = Vitunj, Croatia. I interviewed Smilja back in 1986 and she told me all she knew about her parents.

Posted : 09/11/2021 2:57 am
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Do you know what the family patron is?

Posted : 18/11/2021 12:14 pm
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I believe Sveti Jovan - Saint John the Baptist (I should have guessed this years ago as the Monastery in Gomirje is Saint John the Baptist Foretold!)  I asked my father's cousin who the family Patron Saint was and that's what he told me.  But, Martha died before my father and his cousin were born.

Posted : 18/11/2021 11:48 pm
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Ok, this is an important thing to know. That way when you encounter people with the same surname from that region you can differentiate if they are related or not. Family Saints are used for this, and the women always take the Family Saint from their men when they get married. The archives from Croatia are microfilmed and I think accessible online to some extend. 

Posted : 27/11/2021 9:21 pm
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Thank you. I was wondering what happens when the marriage occurs. What's the slava then and you answered that. I tried to get access to the online records. I didn't even get a response. That's pretty much the case with everything. No response.

Posted : 27/11/2021 10:06 pm
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Yea the no response part is normal to the region. Nothing we can do about that. You can use the search option on the website here and read up on Slava's if you want to. Other then that I would recommend hiring a researcher in the region.

Posted : 03/12/2021 5:23 pm
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Završili smo sa zapošljavanjem istraživača u inostranstvu. Oni su bolno spori, a rezultati su užasni. Tvrdnja da su 'profesionalci' je apsolutna šala. Po svemu što sam video i svedočio, ja sam profesionalac! Obećavaju mesec i zvezde na svojim veb stranicama i primeri istraživanja koje su uradili za druge izgledali su impresivno, ali kada konačno vidite svoje rezultate nakon dugog odlaganja, možete videti da niko nije želeo da radi toliko naporno kada vidi posao koji je uključen ili unajmili ste prevaranta. Tamo rade drugačije nego mi ovde u SAD. Kada platite nešto ovde u SAD, brzo to dobijete. Bez dugih odlaganja ili izgovora. Ako to ne učinite, uvek možete da dobijete svoj novac nazad i unajmite nekog drugog ili da odete negde drugde. Ono što mi zaista treba je neko ko ima pristup hrvatskim arhivima onlajn. Sve što tražim su direktni preci. Ne zanimaju me braća i sestre svake linije i druge razne informacije. Ali ne daju pristup strancima jer sam pokušao. Stalno se jurim ili se moji mejlovi i pisma ignorišu. Ovo je patetično. Ne mogu za života da shvatim kako je sveštenik mogao tako da se ponaša bez griže savesti. Čak ni da ne odgovara i ignoriše mejlove i pisma. Ako postoji problem Vlade, samo reci! Prestanite da gubite svačije vreme i novac! Izgubio sam puno poštovanja prema svakome ko radi ovako.

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Завршили смо са запошљавањем истраживача у иностранству. Они су болно спори, а резултати су ужасни. Тврдња да су 'професионалци' је апсолутна шала. По свему што сам видео и сведочио, ја сам професионалац! Обећавају месец и звезде на својим веб страницама и примери истраживања које су урадили за друге изгледали су импресивно, али када коначно видите своје резултате након дугог одлагања, можете видети да нико није желео да ради толико напорно када види посао који је укључен или унајмили сте преваранта. Тамо раде другачије него ми овде у САД. Када платите нешто овде у САД, брзо то добијете. Без дугих одлагања или изговора. Ако то не учините, увек можете да добијете свој новац назад и унајмите неког другог или да одете негде другде. Оно што ми заиста треба је неко ко има приступ хрватским архивима онлајн. Све што тражим су директни преци. Не занимају ме браћа и сестре сваке линије и друге разне информације. Али не дају приступ странцима јер сам покушао. Стално се јурим или се моји мејлови и писма игноришу. Ово је патетично. Не могу за живота да схватим како је свештеник могао тако да се понаша без гриже савести. Чак ни да не одговара и игнорише мејлове и писма. Ако постоји проблем Владе, само реци! Престаните да губите свачије време и новац! Изгубио сам пуно поштовања према свакоме ко ради овако.

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We're done hiring researchers abroad. They are painfully slow and the results are awful. The claim they are 'professionals' is an absolute joke. From what all I've seen and witnessed, I'm the professional! They promise the moon and the stars on their websites and examples of research they had done for others looked impressive, but when you finally see your results after long delays, you can see nobody wanted to work that hard once they see the work that's involved or you've hired a con artist. They work differently over there than we do here in the U. S. When you pay for something over here in the U. S., you get it quick. No long delays or excuses. If you don't, you can always get your money back and hire someone else or go elsewhere. What I really need is someone who has access to the Croatian archives online. All I'm after is direct ancestors. I'm not interested in each line's siblings and other miscellaneous information. But they do not give access to foreigners because I tried. I keep getting a run around or my emails and letters are ignored. This is pathetic. I can't understand for the life of me how a priest could act like that without a bad conscience. To not even respond and ignore emails and letters. If there's a Government issue, just say so! Stop wasting everyones time and money! I've lost a whole lot of respect for anyone who operates like this.

Posted : 03/03/2022 8:42 pm
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Unfortunately I would have to say that it is an attitude problem. We tried a decade ago to setup a researcher program as an organization but have a hard time finding people that are reliable and real. Hence our statement on the website that we do not endorse anyone, for the simple reason that we cannot find staff that is reliable enough. 


I do know the Croatian Archives can be accessed online.


Posted : 06/03/2022 5:25 pm
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The Croatian Archives doesn't give access to foreigners.  I tried to access.  No luck and then I read somewhere where that is the case.  Thanx.

Posted : 12/07/2022 1:05 am
Posts: 1893
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Hmm, what you could try are the following workarounds

1. Try via the LDS Family Search as they actually microfilmed everything for the Croatian Archives,

2. See if a local can do it for you.


Posted : 15/07/2022 4:57 pm