I was wondering if anyone of on this message board of serbian ancestry has completed genetic testing to determine their paternal haplotype lineage. My father's line is an I1B1 P37 haplotype which is very prevalent in the balkans, especially in Dalmatia and Croatia. My mom's father is also a p37 haplotype but he was from Slovenia.
I recall one person a member I believe who did testing. We tried to contact some of the offices in the US of firms like this but they never replied to us so it came to standstill.
But just looking at the Haplo types wont yield much info unless you have a pedigree to use it with.
I agree Sergej, you really need to have a pedigree to trace lineage. But it still really is a nice idea to see where your DNA lineage goes. About 40% of the males in Croatia/Dalmatia/Serbia have the P37 haplotype according to various journals I've read. It's always been said that the Balkans were a refuge during the last ice age and some European lineages, such as the Vikings, may have gotten there start in the Balkans. Actually both of my grandfathers appear to be distant cousins....going way, way back in time.
Yes there are some items though you need to consider. What we know as the Balkans is a very big mix of different populations that were mixed also at different locations. Even in the last 50 years we saw large migrations. We had the Celts, Ostrogoths, Visigoths and others stop by. The problem you will face sometimes is that it can be confusing or contradicting in yielding information. The Illirians e.g. were different tribes some of them not even related.
I prefer:
They offer the best service I know of. And they are free
Where did you do your research btw?
Sergej, thanks for the excellent source of information. I mainly got my information from Google searches on my P37.1 haplotype. There was quite a bit of journal information on the haplotype that pertained to the Balkan region. I can email the documents to you if you would like...send me a private message. I've read that the I1B1 haplotype is one of the few haplotypes that is believed to be of truly European/Balkan origin...even before the last ice age.
Some time ago I've found interesting article about paternal gene of Balkan population.
I hope it has some value for "genetic genealogy".
landscape was explored based on a high-resolution Y chromosome analysis involving 681 males
from 7 populations in the region.
681 males is not much and I dont think it will depict a proper image. Although the results are interesting I would like to see more of this. We were thinking as a society to promote the Sorenson package because its free. Maybe we should have a poll about it.
I would also like to see samples taken from non-city dwellers, in this case highlanders e.g.
Lets see if we can collect more interest facts and sites.
Sergej, here is a good journal article on Haplogroup I
One other excellent reference from wikipedia...
Lets not forget:
I've taken an extensive look at the journal study referenced by Bogdan. It really does a nice job of summarizing a number of previous studies on haplogroups within the Balkans, especially the "I" haplogroup, which most likely got its start in the Balkans.
Sergej, molio bi te da mi pojasnis mapu sa ovog linka koji si dao ( li je u pitanju koncentracija nekog gena po nacijama, ili sta?
Mada, ne znam cemu sve ovo kad se vec sada zna da je citavo covecanstvo poteklo od jednog jedinog osnivackog para koji je ziveo u Africi pre 700 000-1 000 000 godina...Sad, da li je taj par nastao od Boga,evoluirao od majmuna, ili mu je neko ko je sa tim ciljem sishao na zemlju u kosmickom brodu, pomogao da evoliura nekim genetskim inzerenjingom (u sta sam skloniji da verujem), ne verujem da ce se ikad otkriti...U svakom slucaju, danas je najbitnije necije nacionalno osecanje, kako se on oseca, a kopanje po krvnim zrncima i DNK uzorcima uglavnom bi moglo veoma neprijatno da iznenadi mnoge ljude na Balkanu pre svega, jer nisu ni svesni od koga su potekli, a da ne govorim o zapadnjacima, koji ne znaju ni ko im je bio djed a kamoli osnivac loze...
Nije po nacijama ali po Y-chromosome. Vise info na: i
Ja to ne verujem
lukepoke Wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone of on this message board
> of serbian ancestry has completed genetic testing
> to determine their paternal haplotype lineage. My
> father's line is an I1B1 P37 haplotype which is
> very prevalent in the balkans, especially in
> Dalmatia and Croatia. My mom's father is also a
> p37 haplotype but he was from Slovenia.
I have tested with Family Tree DNA in the US. My Haplogroup is I1b1*.
My SNP tests positive for P37.2.
My 12 Marker haplotype in FTDNA Order is
13, 24, 16, 10, 12, 12, 11, 13, 11, 14. 11, 30.
Is there a database displaying people with Balkan ancestry who have had their Y DNA tested?
Best Regards,
Raymond Kelly