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Need some translation help

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Hi Sergej,

I received an email from Stjepan Bartoš in which he supplied additional children to my great-uncle, Ivan Bartoš, but it was written in Serbian/Croatian. I tired translating it by using “Google Translation” but found it a little confusing.

Stjepan's message:
Predložena izmena: Bartoš Ivan (I92)
PorodiЍno stablo: Bartosh

OPIS: Ivan je sa Marijom Krastek imao još troje dece,rođene
posle 1905.
To su: Josip. Stjepan i Mara, i svi imaju potomke.
Josip ima živog unuka i dva praunuka, Stjepan Ѝetvoro unuЍadi troje praunuЍadi, a Mara kćerku i dvoje unuЍadi. Da li Mara ima praunuke, nije mi poznato, ali oni su još u Mitrovici.
Ova vaša evidencija se završava sa rođenima samo do 1905. godine.

Stjepan Bartoš
[email protected]

Google translation in Croatian:
Proposed changes: Bartoš John (I92)
Family Tree: Bartosh

DESCRIPTION: John is with Mary Krastek had three more children born
after the 1905th
They are: Joseph. Stephen and Mara, and all have descendants.
Joseph is living grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, Stephen praunuЍadi three four grandchildren, Mara and his daughter and two grandchildren. Whether Mara is the great-grandson, I do not know, but they are still in Mitrovica.
This is the end of your records with just born to 1905th year.

Stephen Bartoš
[email protected]

From what I tried to interpret, Joseph has grandchildren and two great-children who are living; Stephen PraunuЍadi (surname?) has three or four grandchildren, and whether Mara has a great-grandson is not known but they are still in Mitrovica. Does this sound appropriate?
BTW, is Mara male or female? I think female, right?

In addition, I think I will post a message in the general forum containing some of my ancestry's surnames and mention my family tree that is listed in My Rodoslov. I think it's worth a try.

Best Regards,

Bob Bartosh

Posted : 28/10/2009 11:23 pm
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Hi Bob,

Here's the real deal translation:

DESCRIPTION: Ivan had three more children with Marija Krastek, born after 1905.
They are: Josip, Stjepan and Mara and they all have decendants.
Josip has a living grandson and two great grandschildren, Stjepan has four grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and Mara has a daughter and two grandchildren. Whether Mara has great grandschildren, I-m not sure, but thez are all still in Mitrovica.
This evidence concludes with those born up to 1905. (That's what it says but not sure how much sense this last sentence makes).

Yes, Mara is a female name. "Praunučadi" means great grandchildren, not a surname. Google doesn't pick up on these little things ;)

Hope that helps and please let us know what you've been able to do with that information.

Good luck!


Posted : 31/10/2009 3:30 pm
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Hi Danica,

Thanks for the response.

The information concerns my great-uncle Ivan Bartoš, brother of my grandfather Maksim Bartoš but does not contain much specific data. Nevertheless, it”™s worthy information and I will respond to the Stjepan Bartoš for more information. I will have to do so in Croatian because when I try to translate from English to Serbian per Google Translation, it only translates in Serbian Cyrillic script. Google is strange because I can translate from Serbian Latin script to English but not from English to Serbian Latin.
When my grandfather lived in Sremska Mitrovica in 1902, the town was located in Croatia and is now located in Serbia. When he emigrated his ethnicity was Croatian, Slovenic so sending a message to Stjepan in Croatian should be sufficient. I just hope that Google arranges the wording adequately.

I also intend to post a message in the General Forum and want to post it in your native language that would have to be Croatian or Serbian Cyrillic per Google. The majority of posts in the General Forum appear to be Croatian/Serbian Latin so I guess I will use Croatian. Do you think the translation would be adequate enough for people to understand?

Best Regards,


Posted : 02/11/2009 7:51 pm
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We just got this email in:


On Fri, 6 Nov 2009 20:39:58 +0100, "SGS" wrote:

> We are sorry, but to who are you sending this email?


> Serbian Genealogical Society

> Srpsko Rodoslovno Društvo




Original Message

> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

> Sent: vrijdag 6 november 2009 9:01

> To:

> Subject: [Board of Directors] Robert Bartosh and his gradnfather Max


> stjepan bartoš sent a message using the contact form at



> Max Bartosh from Sremska Mitrovica is brother of my grand grandfather



> Bartoš.

> I was born in Sremska Mitrovica, too in 1960.

> Ivan and Marija Krastek had following children: Franjo, Ana, Marko,



> Josip, Stjepan and Marija (Mara). Stjepan is my grandfather

Posted : 09/11/2009 6:04 pm
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In response to who wrote:

"We are sorry, but to who are you sending this email?"

I sent an email to Stjepan Bartoš at [email protected] concerning my grandfather Max Bartoš and he apparently answered it using the contact form of the SGS web site instead of sending the email to me.

The message is:
Max Bartosh from Sremska Mitrovica is brother of my grand grandfather
Ivan Bartoš. I was born in Sremska Mitrovica, too in 1960.
Ivan and Marija Krastek had following children: Franjo, Ana, Marko,
Djura, Josip, Stjepan and Marija (Mara). Stjepan is my grandfather.

Robert Bartosh

Posted : 09/11/2009 9:44 pm
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Yea we hope the new layout will resolve some confusement.


Posted : 12/11/2009 9:35 am
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Hello again,

Well, I wouldn't rely on Google translate either way as it often doesn't give a vrey good translation from Serbian either although it may seem like it sometimes. I always recommend using a professional tranlslator or, if it's something short like the above text, we can always lend a hand.

Good luck and please let us know what you come up with!


Srpsko Rodoslovno Društvo
Serbian Genealogical Society


Posted : 01/12/2009 4:57 am
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Hello Danica,

Sorry for the delay but I was very busy with other things.
Thanks for the recommendation. Knowing that using Google will probably result in "bad" Croatian, I believe that this will give a general idea of what I want to say.
I tried to keep the wording simple and after translating into Croatian, I translated it back into English to see how the wording and meaning are interpreted.
I want to post in the public forum where the general population is available for viewing.
Do you think the following will work adequately?

I am searching for my family ancestors that lived in Sremska Mitrovica, Austria-Hungary (now Serbia). My Bartosh family tree is posted in My Rodoslov.

My great-grandparents were Ivan Bartoš (born 1843) who married Barbara Fosler (born 1845), and Petar Zvonarević (born 1850) who married Katarina Mandušić (1852-1882).
Barbara Fosler married Josef Е eberl (born 1852) after the death of Ivan Bartoš in 1879 and raised a second family.
Petar Zvonarević and Ana Cindrić married in 1883 and married Marija Hadam (Adam?) in 1895 following the deaths of his previous wives.

Maksim Bartoš (1869-1942) and Eva Zvonarević (1877-1955), my grandparents, were born and married in Sremska Mitrovica. They immigrated in 1905 to the USA.

Marriages associated with the Bartoš ancestry are: Marija Krastek who married Ivan Bartoš (my great-uncle) and Konstantin Nicolić who married Marija Bartoš (my great-aunt).

Married names associated with the Zvonarević ancestry are: Sremac, Kajtaz, Kreutzer, Kovacić, Slana, Slimer, Marcus, Canić, Svel, Ćiro, Smiljanić, Abel, Jung, Vinković, Kreutzer and Kovacić.

Ja sam u potrazi za moju obitelj predaka koji su živjeli u Sremskoj Mitrovici, Austro-Ugarska (sada Srbija). Moja Bartosh obiteljsko stablo je objavljeno u My Rodoslov.

Moji pradjedovi su bili Ivan Bartoš (roč‘ena 1843) koja se udala za Fosler Barbara (roč‘ena 1845), te Petar Zvonarević (roč‘ena 1850) koja se udala Katarina Mandušić (1852-1882).
Barbara Fosler oženio Josef Е eberl (roč‘en 1852) nakon smrti Ivana Bartoš 1879 i podigao drugu obitelj.
Petar Zvonarević i Ana Cindrić oženio u 1883 i oženio Mariju Hadam (Adam?) 1895 nakon smrti njegove prethodne žene.

Maksim Bartoš (1869-1942) i Eva Zvonarević (1877-1955), moje bake i djedovi, a vjenčali su roč‘eni u Sremskoj Mitrovici. Se iseljavaju u 1905 u SAD-u.

Brakovi povezane s Bartos preci su: Marija Krastek koja se udala za Ivana Bartos (moj pra-stric) i Konstantin Nicolić koja se udala za Marija Bartos (moj pra-tetka).

Oženjen imena povezana s Zvonarević preci su: Sremac, Kajtaz, Kreutzer, Kovačić, Slana, Slimer, Marcus, Čanić, Е vel, Ćiro, Smiljanić, Abel, Jung, Vinković, Kreutzer i Kovačić.

I intend to expand some of the above but just want to give you an example.

Bob Bartosh

Posted : 07/01/2010 8:57 pm