Na zalost ne mozemo Vam pomoaei u vezi s istrazivanjem podataka o rooenju Vasih prabake i pradjeda, jer niste naveli niti mjesto niti godinu njihivog rooenja. Spominjete jedino mjesto Sadilovac. a kako se oeito radi o osobama pravoslavne konfesije,pregledom sematizma SRPSKA PRAVOSLAVNA MITROPOLIJA KARLOVAEKA, Po podacima od 1905. god., Karlovci( vjerojatno Smreski) 1910, ustanovili smo da je parohija Sadilovac osnovana 1800. godine od kote godine se vode i mattiene knjige. Hrvatski drzavni arhiv ne euva matiene knjige ove parohije.
Mjesto Sadilovac nalazi se u blizini Slunja i Dreznika, a kako je to podrueje u nadleznosti Drzavnog arhiva u Karlovcu ( Lj. Sestiaea 5, 47000 Karlovac). bilo bi dobro da se obratite na navedenu adresu i od njih zatrazite obavijest o mjestu euvanja matienih knjiga spomenute parohije. Sve to pod uvjetom da su se Vasi preci i rodili u Sadilovac.
I thank you in advance for the help!!
Unfortunally we cant help you with your request about your ancestors because you didnt mention the precise data and place. The place Sadilovac is part of the Orthodox bishopric of Karlovac. Most likely the books from Karlovac from 1905/1910 will be in Karlovac, the other from 1800, baptismal books.
The Croatian governments archive doestn keep parochy books. Sadilovac is close to Slunja and Dreznik, which fall under the government archives of Karlovac Address:
Lj. Sestiae 5
47000 Karlovac.
It would be better to write them since they hold the information most likely you are searching for.
Thats a quick and rough translation. Make sure when you write them to state as much info as possible. I dont know if they have email. Try our link page and see their site.
Sergej, I did not expect such a quick reply! It is much appreciated tho, considering my state of mind right now. All I can say is I certainly have my fathers Serbian temper!!
Yes, I will write them tonight, and as always take your advise about the " information". I will also put in the envelope one of those return postage things the post office has. It seems to help when I do this.
Sve najbolje,
Sergej, Told you I wasn't thinking straight! I forgot to ask, do I make it out to Drazanog Arhiv?
No, Karlovac archives. Karlovac is the main city and seat of the administrative offices of the government (local)
Zdravo Sergej,
Late last night it hit, I had seen that address before! So When I got up today, I went through all the letters I have received. I found this one, of course in Serbian. It reads:
U svezi molbe od 02.09.2003. izvjescujemo Vas da Drzavni srhiv u Karlovcu ne cuva maticne knjige s podrucja Slunja, pa Vasem trazenju ne mozemo udovoljiti.
U privitku vracamo prilozenu potvrdu na $15
What have I over looked?
Sve najbolje,
Well, in that case it means that those books are with the Orthodox parish. Did you write them?
Sergej, I wrote a letter early this morning but have not sent it off yet. I needed to know what they were asking me in what I wrote in my last post. Do I need to send them 15.00 and they will search for me? Or what?
If you write to the Orthodox Parish, tell them what you did untill now and the answers you acquired. Tell them you need their help really hard in any way. You don't need to send them money unless they ask for it. Let me know how it goes.
Sergej, Which Orthodox Parish do I send it too?
This is their site:
Their email: [email protected]
SPCO i Uprava parohije u Drežnici
protonamjesnik Miloš Orelj
47313 Drežnica, Centar bb
Tel: 047/566 138
Faks: 047/566 351
Mob: 091/533 54 90
SPCO i Uprava parohije u Karlovcu
jerej Duško Spasojević
47000 Karlovac, Tina Ujevića 5
Tel/Faks: 047/411 506
Mob: 098/182 07 70
[email protected]
Let me know if ya need more help
Hot Dog!! I did something right. I did write to the Dreznica address about a month ago. Just waiting on an answer. Should I also try the other one?
Sve najbolje,
Go for it
You got it chief!! )
We are working on the other documents and pictures you send us. I think we have some more leads for you. We will finish it next week.