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(@Peter Bakos)
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I am new and interested in the following families from the Vojvodina.

Bakos. My father Gyula Bakos was born in Bela Crkva (Fehertemplom) in 1889. He had four brothers and a sister. The sister went to America with my father in 1914. She had been married to a man named Guttmann and had a daughter.

One brother, Gzozo was an officer in the Hungarian army but spent five years in Russia as a POW and then? came back in 1921. Another brother, probablz Lazslo Gergely, was arrested in 1943 for helping Jewish people. They were all children of Sebo Bakos and Anna Hold. Any information about these would be great.

The other family I am researching is Podwinetz, or Podvinec from Zranjanin and Yasa Tomic. I know two women from this family were killed in the Holocaust, but I have no idea as the name of their parents. I would be interested in visiting the archives in Zrenjanin but I do not know if now is a good time because of all the flooding.


Peter Bakos

Posted : 28/07/2005 9:02 pm
Posts: 1893
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Hello Peter,

Some questions from my side ;)

* Do you speak Serbian
* Do you have the Serbian nationality

If you dont have the Serbian nationality you will have to get permission to access the archives. This is some old law still in place, its more a formality but I will contact the archives for you to see if you can visit them.


Posted : 29/07/2005 7:57 am
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(@Peter Bakos)
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hi Sergej,

Last May I was in Sombor and the archivist was very kind and very helpful. He helped me to find and read the few registers he had for Sonta.

I also have a number of friends in Voyvodina including one who is in government, and they had also offered to help me. I did not know that the laws in Serbia were still so restrictive. As I am searching mostly for Jewish people who are dead, I thought such records, given the circumstances, would be open.

I am particularly interested to know what registers exist for the period 1850 to 1914 for Jewish families in Zrenjanin and Yasa Tomic. I will be in Novi Sad for a conference at the end of September and that would be a good time to go to Zrenjanin. I also would be looking for any information about Jewish cemeteries in Zrenjanin and Yasa Tomic. I know that transportation is difficult due to the Thiess River, and there are few trains or direct routes. Going to visit Bela Crkva a couple of years ago took hours from Novi Sad.

Thanks for your response and helpfulness.


Posted : 29/07/2005 9:45 am
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Yes the laws can be strict. I always advice caution because Serbia knows a data privacy law similar to that of Germany when it comes to genealogical data. The archives are open but they are not found of data plunderers. Usually the archives file the application for you so I guess things are ok with your friend arranging affairs for you.

I dont know if you have contact with the Jewish community in Serbia. They hold their own books! Zrenjanin was hit a couple of times by the floodings a couple of years ago. We don't know how much was lost.

If you go to Zrenjanin go by bus. It beats the train for sure. I will get back to you when I speak with Zrenjanin.



Posted : 29/07/2005 9:51 am
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(@Peter Bakos)
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Hi and thanks again,

How to find the Jewish Community in Serbia and who would be the contact for Zrenjanin?



Posted : 29/07/2005 9:55 am
Posts: 1893
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You can call Zrenjanin for an appointment at 023/564-322, 566-020, лок. 165, 66-020/165

The Jewish community building is in Belgrade. I dont know if you have plans to go there. If so I will email you their address.

Best regards,


Posted : 01/08/2005 11:54 am
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(@Peter Bakos)
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I have received some other information about a person named Lilijana Petrovic who is the head of the Jewish Community in Zrenjanin, but she has so far not responded to my communications. I suppose it is vacation time in Serbia too.

I appreciated the help.


Posted : 01/08/2005 1:25 pm
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Looking for my mother Marija Repnik,last known place is bean Novi Sad prizen Kamp for Germans 1945 do 1949 god,Repnik was her maiden nam ,she may have had relation ship with German man?

Posted : 25/09/2005 2:51 am
Posts: 1893
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Franciska Wrote:

> Looking for my mother Marija Repnik,last known
> place is bean Novi Sad prizen Kamp for Germans
> 1945 do 1949 god,Repnik was her maiden nam ,she
> may have had relation ship with German man?

It would help if you create your own topic........


Posted : 25/09/2005 6:42 am
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Mistaken post. Sorry.

Posted : 19/03/2006 3:49 pm