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Obrenovici/Kojadinovici poreklom iz Velikog Izvora kod Zajecara, Slava Velika Gospodja

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Moj najstariji predak koga sam pronasla se zvao Kojadin rodjen oko 1790. (ne znam koje mu je prezime bilo tada, t.j. ime njegovog oca. On, ili njegov otac se navodno preselio pocetkom 1800.tih iz sela Veliki Izvor kod Zajecara u selo Milosevo (tada Domuz Potok) kod Jagodine (selo je tada pripadalo Kragujevackoj Nahiji, Lepenickom srezu). Sin mu se zvao Obren Kojadinovic (rodjen oko 1830)i po njemu moji preuzimaju prezime Obrenovic. Krsna Slava nam je Velika Gospodja.
Postoji knjiga Veliki Izvor kroz Vekove od Sergija Kalcica, koju pokusavam da pronadjem vec neko vreme.
Interesuje me da li neko ima informaciju o Kojadinovicima/Obrenovicima i sta je konkretno navelo ljude da se isele iz Velikog Izvora pocetkom XIX veka. Navodno vecina njih se iselilo u selo Dublje kod Svilajnca, a Veliki Izvor je sada specifican po tzv Tetevencima (Bugarskoj etnickoj zajednici).
Bila sam do Arhiva u Beogradu, ali na zalost nisam pronasla nista vise od ovoga.

Hvala unapred

My eldest ancestor whom I managed to trace was called Kojadin and was born around 1790. (I don't know what his surname was, nor the name of his father). Apparently, he moved to Milosevo (then Domuz Potok) near Jagodina (at the time the village was part of Kragujevac nahija, Lepenicki Srez) from the village called Veliki Izvor near Zajecar. His son was called Obren Kojadinovic (born around 1830) and my family is now called Obrenovic after him. Our St. patron is Velika Gospodja.

There is a book called Veliki Izvor kroz Vekove by Sergije Kalcic, which I am trying to find for some time. I am interested to find out if anyone has information on Veliki Izvor and what specifically made people leave this village. Apparently, a lot of people who left the village moved to Dublje, near Svilajnac.
I've been to the Archives in Belgrade, but couldn't find anything more then this.

Any information on Kojadinovic/Obrenovic ancestry highly appreciated.

Posted : 19/08/2008 7:39 pm
Posts: 1893
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you should check with the archives in Jagodina and Kragujevac. They hold all data of that region,.


Posted : 22/08/2008 2:52 pm
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Good evening.

I am trying to find the Kojadinovic family from Jagodina. My father was Stevan Kojadinovic. He was born 28 December 1924. He emigrated to Australia and married Ruth Hyde. He called her Mila. As I live in Australia and do not know Serbian, I am finding it difficult to find information.

Thank you in advance.

Posted : 07/01/2011 12:54 pm