
Paripovic / Zakula ...
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Paripovic / Zakula Heritage

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My name is John Cutter. My grandfather, a Serb, was Petar Paripovic and was originally from Bunic in the Lika-Senj of what is now Croatia. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1903. He would marry Ana Zakula from Korenica and Jasikovac in 1914 and would live in the state of Colorado.

Petar's mother's name was Draga. Ana's father's name was Sava.

I am currently trying to reconnect with members of both the Paripovic and Zakula families who may have separately emigrated from Serbia (what was then Austro-Hungary). Likewise, I am also trying to connect with any members of those families who may still be living overseas.

If you are able to help in any way with this search, I would be deeply grateful!

Again, many thanks!



Moje ime je John Cutter . Moj deda , Srbin , bio je Petar Paripović i bio je poreklom iz Bunić in Ličkog -senjska onoga što je danas Hrvatska. Emigrirao u SAD 1903 On bi oženi Ana Žakula iz Korenice i Jasikovca 1914 i da će živeti u državi Colorado .

Ime petar majka je bila Draga . Ime Anin otac bio je Sava .

Ja sam trenutno pokušavaju da se ponovo poveže sa članovima obe Paripović i Žakula porodicama koje možda odvojeno emigrirali iz Srbije ( koja je tada bila Austro-Ugarska ) . Isto tako , ja sam takođe pokušava da se poveže sa bilo kojim članovima onih porodica koje još uvek mogu da se u inostranstvu žive .

Ako ste u mogućnosti da pomognete na bilo koji način sa ovim pretresa , ja bih bio duboko zahvalan !

Opet, mnogo hvala !


Posted : 28/11/2014 5:07 am
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I will be forwarding your request for relatives to come forward on local genealogy boards. Due to recent conflicts, the bulk of your relatives are probably living in Serbia.

Posted : 26/12/2014 10:00 pm