I have been trying to find my ancestors in serbia , My fathers family last name Atanaskovic slava is Sv. Arangel. Since he can remember they have lived in Veliki Mokri Lug around Belgrade. I would really like some help to find out where they actually came from. Any info would be greatly apricaited...
My husbands family name is Milanovic and they are from Vinoraca a suburb of Jagodina and their/our slava is Sv. NIkola. Any help suggestions or even a bit of info so that I amy continue my search further would be wonderful....
I do not know if you speak Serbian. There is enough English content on the site. Just go to the frontpage and click search.
Thank you for the reply, I have tried the search option and nothing, maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
I speak some serbian but my grammer is not the greatest so that's why I posted in English. Thanks, I will keep searching and if I do find something out I will post for the others interested.
You should write the archives in Belgrade. THey will direct you to where you need to search and which register.
Dear JMilanovic,
I am also searching the origin of my family members in Jagodina region. I suggest that you get a book called Belica by Stanoje Mijatovic, which looks at origins of people in this area.
I believe that churches no longer keep record books, they are all kept in Jagodina Archives.For more info visit
There is a lady that works in the archives whose job is to research family histories (the fee is about 5000 din), unless, of course, you wish to do the search yourself.
Let me know if you ned any further information and good luck with your search.
ja se prezivam Atanaskovic i zivim u velikom Mokrom Lugu.
Kako bih mogla da pomognem?
Hello atanskovicm iz velikom mokrom lugu.
imam podatke koje su ovako moj otac Tomislav (dob 1946), deda - Zivko ( dob 1922), pradeda - Sreten (1894) cukundeda Simeon (dob ?) Jevta (dob ?) Od kako moj otac zna za sebe ziveli su na isto mesto tacnije cvetanova cuprija u VM Lug.Ovo su informacije koje sam uspela dosada da nabavim. Razlog osim da napravim porodicno stablo : jeste moje pitanje odakle smo dosli pre naseljavanja na terretoriji u VM lug. Ako imate bilo kakve informacije bicu vam zahvalna unapred...
Hey! I am Milanovic, from Jagodina. I maybe am only 15, but as i know the Milanovic Family came here from Montenegro( from around Budva). My family is connected to the Arsic family from Oparic(relatives, cousins...etc-ujaci babe, dede, braca....itd). hope it helps a bit.