It seems that we are all related, meaning everybody has roots in Dalmatia (Drnis/Sibenik/Knin area). It would be interesting to find some official books (government or church) from that area.
I can already refer you guys to a topic I posted some time in the Croatia forum. Just a word of warning, the last war did a lot of damage this means that there is no easy access and one needs to have a lot of patience in order to track back his ancestry.
I am still working on a inventory of that region so if I do have any news I will post it in that topic.
Thanks Sergej
Moji su preci iz Like negdje oko Gračca, a Pokrajaca ima svugdje u biti, čak ih mnogo ima da mi nisu ni rod. Za Razvoč‘e znam, ima ih puno u Zagrebu, Osijeku par, Beogradu. Prije rata bili su u Splitui toj okolici, ali svi vuku porijeklo iz Razvoč‘a. Za praznike si mogao vidjeti u Razvoč‘e sve registracije automobila. Od mojih ostao mi je samo stric u Kninu i jedna tetka u Manojlima. Ja sam inače po roč‘enju Vinkovčanin. Danas u Razvoč‘u nema 3 familije, vratilo se nešto Hrvata u Oklaj, a Razvoč‘e i okolica zjape prazni. Ja imam adresu na MSN mesengeru [email protected] ili [email protected]. Tu se možemo dopisivaati. Odakle si ti inače
Pozdrav svim Pokrajcima,
Sa zadovoljstvom mogu da kazem da sam i ja jedan od Pokrajaca iz Razvodja. Bio sam pre godinu dana tamo i na zalost nisam mogao da prepoznam selo u kojem sam svakog leta boravio kod bake i dida. Inace koliko ja znam iz prica starijih manje-vise svi Pokrajci od Kotora, preko Dalmacije, Like do Rovinja, Zapadne i Istocne Slavonije poticu iz Razvodja, a poreklo nam se navodno vuce iz okoline Cetinja odakle smo dosli pod Prominu. Ali bilo bi lepo kad bi se sve to moglo proveriti i potvrditi.
Goran Pokrajac
iz Zemuna
PS Poseban pozdrav imenjaku i bratu iz Mirkovaca
Pozdrav joj jednom "rodjaku"
Dobrodosao na forum i hvala na novim informacijama o nasem porijeklu.
Inace ovih dana sam nasao jedan interesantan link o fasistickim zrtvama na podrucju bivse nam drzave.
Tu se vidi popis svih predaka (ukljucujci i mog pradjedu), godina rodjenja i mjesto gdje su zivili u doba stradanja.
English (for Luke )
I found an interesting link showing the list of victims of fascist regims in Ex YU during the WWII.
This page shows all names, DOB's and the place where they were living at the time of death.
Tomo P.
Very Interesting Tomo, thanks!!!
Those folks are probably all related to us somewhere along the line. My mom's aunt was killed by the Nazi's in Novo Mesto, Slovenia during World War II. She was hung in the town square as an example to all other town folk as to what could happen to them. Her daughter was very young at the time and she would try to feed her dead mother bread while she was hanging there dead...a pretty tough story. We definately did not experience any of this in the US other than what GI's saw in Europe/Pacific during the war. My dad was in the US army Air Force in 1943/1944. He is still in great health at 82....good Serbian genetics I suppose.
Pozdrav brate, dugo se nismo čuli, štam ima javi mi se na ovaj mail
[email protected]
Jako interesantan clanak, nase prezime se spominje na par mjesta. A ako je clanak istinit, onda nam je "rodjak" i slavni Rudjer Boskovic, a porijeklo vucemo iz okolice Dubrovnika. Obavezno pogledati!
Very interesting article, unfortunately, written in Serbian (cyrilic script). If the article is correct, then the Pokrajac last name is from Dubrovnik (Croatia) area and famous scientist Rudjer Boskovic could be one of our "relative".
Evo jos jedan dokument
Another article
Ovo je jako interesantno.
Inace, moj otac poznaje pomenutog Marka Atlagica. Svojevremeno su balatali zajedno.
Tomo, would there be a way to get a summary of these documents in English?? I being a Yankee Pokrajac am at a loss unfortunately. I guess I should have learned Serbian rather than Spanish. Do you know of a good English/Serbian converter on the web??
Yankee Pokrajac (I really like this )
I'll try to translate just a few sentences (possibly) related to our last name.
The first article is about the roots of Rudjer Boshkovich (see ). Is he a Serb, a Croat, Serbo-Croat, Yugoslav, "Slovin", Dalmatian, Italian or French?
His fathers' line are Serbs from "Orahov Do" at the edge of "Popovo Polje", Herzegovina. When they arrived to that place their last name was "Potkravic" or "Pokrajcic", but later was changed to "Boshkovich". The hystorian Mr. Atlagic, says the Boshkovics' inherited their aristocrat (noble) status from Pokrajcic family (which obtained it in 1595 or earlier). The confirmation of the status could be found in Liber Regius, No. 27, Pg. 49.
Mr. Atlagic's claim is based on the story by Rudjer's oldest brother Bozo, that Boshkovich's are related to aristocratic family Pokrajcic from Dubrovink. The founder of that Serbian family was Mr. POKRAJAC.
So, all good news
I hope this helps a little bit.
Sir Pokrajac
The second links leads to a Scientific Article titled "The land distribution in Vitaljina in 15th century". (Vitaljina is a place near Dubrovnik, Croatia)
On the page 4, one name in the list is "Pokrajac Ilijić" with a title "Potknez" (too hard to transfer to English).
Comparing this name with others in the list, it seems that Pokrajac is the FIRST name of that person. Very interesting!