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Pokrajac - Surname -- Razvodje

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Yes sir...I am the Yankee Pokrajac, but I'm almost sure none of our family fought in the US revolution in 1776, we were probably picking grapes in Dalmatia to make some good wine!! This is really cool information, it is really interesting to hear this old historical data and how it applies to our family. I never heard ANY of this. My dad thought the Pokrajac's originally came out of Russia, but it looks like we were always based in Croatia/Dalmatia. I hope this discussion continues!! I would be nice to have a Pokrajac website so that we could post family information, pictures, etc.

Posted : 02/11/2007 1:16 pm
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Tomo prevedi ovo za Lukea, ovo ćemu biti intereantno. Našao sam roč‘aka Jovana u Beogradu on sve zna.

Njegovog dedu Luku zvali su Lujo, otisao je u Ameriku sredinom dvadesetih kad im moj did Jurcela i obojica su radila u celicanama u Pitsburgu. Lujo se nikad nije vracao. Stevo ce sigurno znati - Lujo je stric Nine Bubinova. A rodjak Nikola o kome govori rodjak Amerikanac je svakako Ninin sin Nikola, koga smo svi zvali Drago. On je sad u Torontu, a sin mu Milan tamo igra tenis, neka Luka ukuca "Milan Pokrajac" na nekom pretrazivacu i lako ce doci do rodjaka u Tororntu

Posted : 26/11/2007 6:57 am
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Tomo prevedi ovo za Lukea, ovo ćemu biti intereantno. Našao sam roč‘aka Jovana u Beogradu on sve zna.

Njegovog dedu Luku zvali su Lujo, otisao je u Ameriku sredinom dvadesetih kad im moj did Jurcela i obojica su radila u celicanama u Pitsburgu. Lujo se nikad nije vracao. Stevo ce sigurno znati - Lujo je stric Nine Bubinova. A rodjak Nikola o kome govori rodjak Amerikanac je svakako Ninin sin Nikola, koga smo svi zvali Drago. On je sad u Torontu, a sin mu Milan tamo igra tenis, neka Luka ukuca "Milan Pokrajac" na nekom pretrazivacu i lako ce doci do rodjaka u Tororntu

this is a translation of the Goran's post for you (based on the story from his cousin Jovan from Belgrade):
"Your grandfather's nickname was Lujo, and he went to USA in mid 1920's together with Goran's grandfather Jurcela. Both of them found jobs in steelworks in Pittsburgh area. Lujo never came back home. Lujo is an uncle of Nino Bubinov. Your cousin Nikola, known as Drago, is most probably the son of Nino. He leaves in Toronto, Canada. His son Milan, is one of the best Canadian young tennis player."

Mislim da je Luke spominjao rodjaka Bogoljuba u Torontu, a ne Nikolu! Nije mi jasno ko je Stevo?
"(Goran, I think that Luke mentioned his cousin Bogoljub, not Nikola in Toronto! And I don't understand who is Stevo?)"


Posted : 26/11/2007 10:00 am
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That is very interesting!!...and most of it fits, but my grandfather actually came over in 1912 to work in the coal mines of Keystone (a county southeast of Pittsburgh). He saved money and sent for my grandmother in 1922 with the 3 oldest children. My dad was born in Keystone in 1925. My grandfather eventually worked in the Steel Mills when the miners went on Strike. I definately have heard of Nikola and he does live in Toronto. His son is tall like we are.

Posted : 27/11/2007 4:55 pm
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Stevo je moj otac, njega spominje, pitao sam Joju za Bogoljuba on kaže da to nije to. Nikola je onaj o kojem sam ti pričao da živi kod tebe u kanadi. Na skype sam ti poslao čitav tekst

Posted : 27/11/2007 5:01 pm
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Vec sam jednom predlozio da se nadjemo na Skype-u. Puno je lakse komunicirati nego ovako preko Foruma. Rado cu staviti na kontakt listu svakog Pokrajca koji mi se javi. Skype se moze skinuti na

Why don't we organize a Skype chat. It is much easier to exchange the data then by using forum. I will be happy to put on my contact list any Pokrajac who contact me. You can download Skype at

Posted : 01/12/2007 10:10 pm
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Zaboravih reci da je moje skype ime "tpokrajac"

Forgot to mention my Skype name "tpokrajac"

Posted : 01/12/2007 10:12 pm
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I have download Skype, please let me know what address you would like to use. I've never used this software before.



Posted : 04/12/2007 12:51 pm
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First, you have to open a Skype account, just follow instructions on Skype website. After you are connected you can search for other Skype users. Just enter Last name Pokrajac and leave all other fields blank, or add "tpokrajac" (see my previous post :-) ) to your contact list. Once I confirm your request, next time we are both online we will be able to chat, talk, exchange the files, etc.
In case you are using Skype from office, please note that many companies block the Skype access to internet. In that case you have to use it from home.



Posted : 04/12/2007 1:06 pm
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I looked up Pokrajac and found Goran, but I dont see you under the Pokrajac listing...maybe because it is Tpokrajac?? There were 13 Pokrajac's listed I didnt see anyone from Canada. Only fellow in US was in Dover Delaware

Posted : 04/12/2007 2:55 pm
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USA naturalization service - Ellis Island Immigration Records

Name Hometown Birthdate Age upon arrival in USA
1. Avram Pokrajac
M. Lendci, Croatia 1909 22
2. Bozo Pokrajac
Dol.Kovacica, Croatia 1924 23
3. Danito Pokrajac
Drenovac, Austria 1909 25
4. Ilia Pokrajac
Razvozje, Austria 1912 24
5. Jandry Pokrajac
Drenovac, Austria 1913 42
6. Janduja Pokrajac
Drenovac, Croatia 1922 51
7. Jave Pokrajac
Drenova, Austria 1910 18
MEDAK 1905 19
9. Jovo Pokrajac
Zdenci, Hungary 1913 23
10. Luka Pokrajac
Razvode, Austria 1912 25
11. Marko Pokrajac
Cerovac, Hungary 1907 18
12. Milc Pokrajac
Jrenerco, Austria 1912 17
13. Mileta Pokrajac
Radno, Hungary 1910 16
14. Milo Pokrajac
Kazvotje, Austria 1913 26
15. Pavas Pokrajac
...barje, Croatia 1914 26
16. Pavel Pokrajac
Medak 1905 19

17. Petar Pokrajac
Razvozje, Oustria 1913 46
18. Petar Pokrajac
V. Idener 1904 18
19. Peter Pokrajac
Rasvodjo, Yougoslavia 1923 13
20. Samoilo Pokrajac
Lasinja 1901 32
21. Sava Pokrajac
Drenovac, Austria 1912 34
22. Sava Pokrajac
Radic, Croaty 1904 25
23. Vujo Pokrajac
Drenovac, Austria 1909 43

Posted : 13/12/2007 4:45 pm
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I also checked the "Ellis Island Immigration Records" database and was surprised to see how many Pokrajac's imigrated into USA, at the begining of the last century. It seems that all of them came from Croatia (at that time still part of Austro-Hungary).
Are you in touch with any "cousin" (other then your father's immediate family) whose grandparents immigrated to USA at the same time as your grandfather?

Posted : 13/12/2007 4:58 pm
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Hey Tom, the answer to that is no. I've always wondered if any of the other Pokrajac's in the US were related to us, especially those from Razvodje area. Many, like my grandfather, came over in the early 1900's to work in the factories. Then immigration was cut off to the US in 1925 or so. Then it seems that many Pokrajac's went to Canada due to easier immigration in the later half of the 20th century.

Posted : 13/12/2007 6:14 pm
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An interesting article about late Nick Pokrajac, WWII hero.

Check the link


Posted : 15/12/2007 11:57 am
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Hi there! Hope someone is still around following this. My name is Arlene Danyleyko and I just registered here today. My mother is Danica Pokrajac, she came here to Canada from Livno in 1966. We live in Thunder Bay, ON. Her brother, my uncle Nick Pokrajac lives in Oakville (suburb of Toronto). He has 2 children, Diane and Michael (sorry no pro tennis players in our clan as I've seen posted). Mom still speaks the native language to some extent but mostly speaks english. Perhaps she may be of assistance with any questions you might have. For the past many years I've been doing genealogy on my father's side and have developed a family chart I purchased from the mormons which is interactive and does many neat things with the data that gets inputted. If I get enough info in it on mom's side I can show you what it looks like. It is also web friendly if anyone wants to use it to post to a website. Hope this helps, Arlene

Posted : 13/06/2008 5:16 pm
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