
Pomar Surname, Cann...
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Pomar Surname, Cannot Be Serbian?

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How about last name is Pomar, this cannot be Serbian or can it?! I can only go back as far as my GreatGrandFather named Kosta Pomar I assume that he was born in Serbia, but thats ALL I know of him. Grandfather Ilija Pomar was born in Deliblato. My Grandmother Viora Domosljan born in Deliblato as well. My father was born on in Deliblato. I have a copy of his birth certificate. Thats how I know this bit of information.

Since my father's passing a year ago, I have become more and more curious about the history of my family. I have contacted the Municipal Administration of Kovin e-mail: [email protected] a month ago but have had NO response. I don't if it is because of my email being in english (language barrier) or are they looking into it, I know that the info. I'm requesting cannot possibly be on microfilm but on paper.

I feel like I've hit a brick wall, but I do not want to give up. If anyone can show me the way to get more info, please, I will appreciate anything at all!

Posted : 24/07/2007 11:08 pm
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Why not? Read the article in the learning center, surnames have different origins people can be named after something, or someone. I know Deliblato and that region very well. The reason you didnt get any response is because their website is down ;-), they didnt pay for their hosting it seems.

You can check the phonebook (see link page) and see if there are still living relatives there. There is also a large German communicy there and the local archives hold all information so I would write them. Like said many times on this forum, Serbia has nothing on microfilm unfortunally.

Kovin community site:,2152


Posted : 25/07/2007 10:57 am
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All of the 19th century Serbian tefters (old census in first half of the century) are microfilmed in the Archive of Serbia, regarding of course the borders of Serbia in 19th century.


Posted : 25/07/2007 5:35 pm
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Sergej, thanks for the quick response. I still have family in Deliblato, all of the Pomars are all related to me. I must add we are the ONLY Pomars in the area.

My sister has traced the Pomar surname to Spain. Where could the connection to Spain have taken place? Would you be able to refer me to a site where I may be able to find historical evidence of Spanish migration to the Balkan region.

Not to change the original subject but, my first name Viora do you know what it may mean? My mother says it”™s an old fashion name, not particularly popular anymore. Thanks!

Posted : 25/07/2007 6:42 pm
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All of the 19th century Serbian tefters (old census in first half of the century) are microfilmed in the Archive of Serbia, regarding of course the borders of Serbia in 19th century.


Yes I know, but you can't borrow them like you can with the LDS library and for non-citizens its not that easy to get access, they need aproval first.


Posted : 25/07/2007 8:46 pm
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Sergej, thanks for the quick response. I still have family in Deliblato, all of the Pomars are all related to me. I must add we are the ONLY Pomars in the area.

My sister has traced the Pomar surname to Spain. Where could the connection to Spain have taken place? Would you be able to refer me to a site where I may be able to find historical evidence of Spanish migration to the Balkan region.

Not to change the original subject but, my first name Viora do you know what it may mean? My mother says it”™s an old fashion name, not particularly popular anymore. Thanks!

I will check things out tomorrow but Serbia has a lot ethnic diversity and there could be a number of reasons why your ancestor moved to Serbia if he was from Spain. There is not much migrational work availible that is accurate like you are used to from e.g. Western European sources, I will see what I can find. Was your mother born in Serbia?


Posted : 25/07/2007 8:49 pm
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Yes my mother was born in Serbia, ****. Her first name Smarandica - maiden name Milutinov, she told me that the ICH was cut off so she could attend a Romainian based school in Serbia.

Posted : 26/07/2007 2:34 am
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Yes my mother was born in Serbia, ****. Her first name Smarandica - maiden name Milutinov, she told me that the ICH was cut off so she could attend a Romainian based school in Serbia.

Heh, I was already wondering about this but I think your family is of Romanian descent. Pomar has the same ending as other Romanian names e.g. Olar. Did you check with the Romanian Church in Kovin? Its in the center right accross the Serbian Church, ask the priest see what he knows.

But the best thing would be to contact the Municipality and ask them for the documents, it will have all the info you need about e.g. your father etc.


Posted : 26/07/2007 3:38 pm
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Prezimenik wrote:
POMAR, francusko prezime od nadimka ili naziva zanata, Paumard. U osnovi je imenica paume "dlan", a ona uz sebe ima sufiks -ard. Radi se, naime, o vrsti igre, prethodnici tenisa, koja je igrana tako što bi igrači, izmeč‘u kojih je razapeta mreža, dobacivali i odbijali (dlanom) loptu. Reketi su kasnije zamenili dlan. Igra se zvala jeu de paume, a igrač (ili onaj koji je držao igralište, otvoreno ili, češće, zatvoreno) paumard.

Ovo bi prezime moglo imati i drugačiji izgovor. Prvi bi, opet, bio francuski: u Burgonji je toponim Pommard. Mesto i čitava okolina su poznati po čuvenom istoimenom vinu. Razlika u grafiji izmeč‘u prvoga i ovoga oblika ne utiče na fonetski lik replike. Drugi, odnosno, treći etimon bi bio španski: u Aragonu se, izmeč‘u Leride i Saragose, nalazi gradić Pomar (na tri kolometra od njega, jeste grad Monzón; meč‘u imenima kolinista iz prvog španskog transporta, nalazi se i prezime Monzodaien, što je etnik upravo odavde).

Do nosioca ovoga prezimena nismo uspeli da stignemo; nemamo, tako, potvrdu ni za jednu etimologiju. Samo prezime, ako je francusko, izgubilo je finalno -d, koje se u franc. i inače ne čuje; opet, bilo da je špansko, bilo francusko, u oba slučaja je izvršeno pomeranje akcenta na prvi slog. Prezime Pomar u Pančevu, jednom.

The names origin is toponographic from France and Spain but its not tied to ethnicity. So you will need to find the documents at the municipality and archives.


Posted : 26/07/2007 3:42 pm
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Sergej, thank you very much for all of your help! Unfortunately I cannot visit the churches you mentioned, I live in the USA. I found the phone book link interesting, it listed my grandfather who is deceased.

A new door has opened, I believe that I'am on my way to finding more information about my family. Do you know the meaning of my first name Viora ?

Posted : 26/07/2007 7:03 pm
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Viora, i think your grandfather Ilija was half a Serb, because of his name.. Ilija is common Serbian name,ortodox, also common in Russia..Surname Pomar is very rare, i never heard for it in Serbia before, but i almost sure that is not serbian..Pomar is common in Spain, and you are probably very mixed, with spanian or french blood in one side, and serbian or romanian (Ilija is ortodox name) in other side...It is important for you to find out something about your grandfather's religion.. If he was celebrating "slava", he was definitely Serb,because only Serbs celebrating slava... In case he was ortodox but not celebrating slava, i sopose he was Romanian...

Posted : 20/10/2007 11:16 am
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lane, thank you for your post, unfortunately i have paused my family history search due to non cooperative family members not wanting to give me information. so thats thats, i am still curious about the origin of my first name VIORA. any thoughts, or info.

Posted : 20/10/2007 1:58 pm
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Viora is a Romanian name, of Latin origin.

- Vior, river in Mauritania, Rom. apa viora, with the meaning of “apa via” (TN - live water), clear.

Its another version of Violet.


Posted : 22/10/2007 4:25 pm