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Porijeklo prezimena Margaretic

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Interesuje me porijeklo prezimena Margaretic, iz Mogorica, u Lici, sa krsnom slavom Vrbica. U popisu Like i Krbave iz 1715 godine ima 7 kuca Margaretica u Mogoricu, i svi imaju slicne djelove zemlje. Nisam sigurna da li to nesto znaci ili ne? 1915 su bile samo 2 kuce Margaretica u Mogoricu / Lika.
Prema jednom od Hrvatskih etnologa, Margaretic je hrvatsko prezime, i spominje se po prvi put u 16. vijeku, u mjestu po imenu Brotnice, u Konavlima. Vecina Margaretica u Hrvatskoj su porijeklom iz sela Gromaca, nedaleko od Dubrovnika, i vecina i dan danas zive u okolini Dubrovnika, ali su katolicke su vjeroispovjesti.
Interesantno je da je ime brdasceta u blizine kuce od jednog od Margaretica u Mogoricu takodje Gromaca kao i ime mjesta u blizini Dubrovnika.
Da li je neko u svojim istrazivanjima naisao na ovo prezime, i njegovo porijeklo? Kako to da su Margaretici u Lici pravoslavne vjere a ostali rimokatolicke?
Procitala sam negde da u podrucje Konavla ima dosta Grckih groblja, sto znaci da su tu nekada zivjeli Grci, i neki od naroda sada sto zive tamo su vjerovatno njihovi potomci... U vezi sa time, Margaritaria je grcka rijec za dragulje, a postoji i grcko prezime Margaritis...

I am interested in the origin of surname Margaretic, from Mogoric (Lika, Croatia), krsna slava - Vrbica. In the book Popis Like i Krbave iz 1715 godine, there were 7 houses of Margaretics' in village Mogoric, and they owned adjoining parts of land. Not sure if that means anything? 1915 there were only 2 houses of Margaretic's in Mogoric / Lika.
According to one of Croatian genealogists, Margaretic is a Croatian surname and it is mentioned for the first time in a place called Brotnice, Konavle region in XVI century.
Most of families with this surname are from village Gromaca, near Dubrovnik and most of them still live there and are catholic.
It is interesting that there is a hill called Gromaca, nearby the house of one Margaretic in Mogoric, which is the same name as Gromaca near Dubrovnik.
I was wandering if anyone came across any information regarding this surname and its origin? How come that Margaretics' in Lika are of orthodox faith and the ones near Dubrovnik catholic?
I read somewhere on the net that there is a lot of old Greek cemeteries and markings in Konavle region, which indicates that Greeks use to live in the region and were possibly ancestors of some of the families that live there now...
In relation to that, Margaritaria is a Greek word for pearls, and there is also a Greek surname Margaretis, which is very similar to Margaretic.


Posted : 22/04/2007 11:32 pm
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Hello Milena,

Adjoining parts of land means they lived in a close community. That was comon in the old days. I dont know which Croatian genealogist you are talking with but it is not 100% possible to determine an ethnic background through a surname.

The Dalmatia area is/was primarly inhabited by ethnic Serbs, although after the last war thing demography has changed here and there. I have archival documents from Dubrovnik here, when I have time I will see if the surname is mentioned in it. You should know that the whole of Dalmatia has been hit heavily during the last war, there are not many archival sources as we want to and many people from that region have a hard time finding their ancestry.

As for the different religions. That could be anything, Serbs e.g. are both Orthodox and Catholic and before WWII there was virtually no emphasys on this.


Posted : 25/04/2007 3:42 pm
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Thanks Sergej,
I understand... I found surname Margaretic on the list of surnames from the Konavle region, the name of the researcher is Niko Kapetanic. He is the author of the book "Falsifikat o podrijetlu Konavoskih prezimena"...
Also on the website of Vekaric Genealogical Research Service for Dubrovnik and Surrounding Areas, surname Margaretic is mentioned as first recorded in XVI century in Brotnice, not far from Dubrovnik. Margaretic surname is only ever mentioned in Konavle region and Lika. According to stories I heard, my ancestors also came from somewhere around place called Gromaca. To me, the surname sounds Greek and has a meaning in greek... Not sure...

Anyway, I would appreciate your help or comments of anyone else who might know a bit more about the origin of this surname...


Posted : 26/04/2007 11:45 pm
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Prema knjizi popis Like iz 1712. godine broj porodica iz te godine i 1701. bio gotovo isti i svo stanovnistvo je bilo pravoslavne vere. Mogoric je bio naseljen 1693. godine, nakon zavrsetka rata (1683-1689) izmedju Turske i Austrije. Prema toj knjizi Mogoric je pripadao kapetaniji Vrebac, a ovo mesto (verovatno i Mogoric) je naseljeno stanovnistvom iz Kupresa, Grahova i Knezpolja. Znaci da su Margaretici u 17. veku ziveli u nekim od ovih oblasti.

Posto je broj kuca Margaretica u popisu 1915. bio manji nego 1712. verovatno je da su i oni ucestvovali u seobama tokom 19. veka, kada su se najverovatnije vratili u svoj stari kraj.

Posted : 27/04/2007 6:14 am
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Draga Milena,

Pricala sam o tvome prezimena i cula sam of babe da jos jedna cuka stoji u Mogoricu.
Pitanje sta si pitala zasto su dio familije pravoslavci i dio katolici to je zato sto za vreme rata pirali su pod pritiskom hrvata prekrstiti u katolike.

Ja se nadam da ti je ova informacia malo pomogla moj otac i baba znadu jos vise od Margaretica i ostalije familije iz Mogorica i okoline.


Posted : 04/05/2007 8:05 pm