
Rnic family surname
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Rnic family surname

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Dear all,

Does anyone out there know where the surname "RNIC" comes from and do you know of the whereabouts of anyone who has that surname?


Djuro Rnic

Posted : 13/08/2003 12:04 pm
Posts: 1893
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Hello Djuro,

The surname Rnic is from: Otiši&#263(Otisic);, near Benkovac, Dalmatija. Church Sv. Pantelija

The surname is being used there and in Serbia as well where Dalmatian Serbs also migrated to.

Hope this helps!

PS You need to change the encoding of the internet page to Easter European.


Posted : 13/08/2003 12:55 pm
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Thanks for your help. I should have mentioned in my message that I do know that my family are from Otisic etc. I visited the village every year as a child. However, I was hoping to find out the longer history of my family surname, e.g. where does it come from, how did we get there etc

Also, I know the name is used in Serbia. My dad tells me after WW1, a group moved form Otisic to Serbia and re-settled there. One of the descendants is a well known Handball player called Momir Rnic and I understand he represented Yu in his playing days.

thanks again

ps. I'm not quite sure how to change the internet coding to Eastern European, I use a Mac and it's hard work reading serbian sites. I have just about managed to get Cyrillic installed for ie 5.1 but I cant get hold of Latinica langauge packages

Posted : 13/08/2003 1:02 pm
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Ok no problem. My wife's family is from Dalmatia as well, and they used to be Uskok's so I make sure not to get them angry ;-)

Its good that you have went already to Otisic. I think the best place to do family research is there at the local churches and monasteries. So next time you are there talk to the priest and check the Croation archives as well. They will give you access I believe.

As for doing research in Serbia, a lot of groups migrated during the period you mentioned. A lot of them still have contact with each other and the other ones don't. Most of the time the families moved together to the same place. So I dont know where you live now, but when it is in Serbia you can go to the Opstina and the local archives there to check things out.

As for the Mac, I use a PC with Windows. Can't help you out on that one.



Posted : 13/08/2003 1:08 pm
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Thanks for your help.

I look forward to more updates on your website


Posted : 13/08/2003 1:35 pm
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Does anyone know if the village of Otisic is still there, I tried to visit in September 2003 and I was dropped off the bus in the middle of nowhere and was told to walk along a dirt track for 2km and it would take me to the churchyard of Otisic. My husband and I walked for a very long time but it was a bit scary because there was no one around and no houses. My father was born in Otisic and the family surname is Rnic. This was my first visit to the country. We decided to catch the bus back and a soldier on the bus asked what I was doing in the middle of nowhere and I explained and he said that the village had been flattened in the war. Is this true?


Posted : 09/03/2006 1:33 pm
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Yes, everything has been destroyed. You can check if the graveyars are still there. Otherwise we suggest you try with the National Archives of Croatia since all is microfilmed there. Otherwise I fear that most of the material you are looking for is either destroyed or missing.

There are a lot of Rnic in Kovin, Vojvodina. Most of them came from that area. You should inquire with them see if they know anything.


Posted : 09/03/2006 1:58 pm
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Thanks for getting back to me. Is there anyway of finding out the population of the village before the war please?


Posted : 09/03/2006 8:29 pm
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The archives, all data is there.


Posted : 09/03/2006 9:11 pm
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Your message made me chuckle. My parents are from Otisic and I have been there many times before the war, unfortunately not since the Oluja happened. My sister lived there but unfortunately had to leave in 1995. You definately seem to have been on the right track into Otisic. As you said you were walking down a dirt track and as you did so in front of you you would have been faced with the mountain Svilaja. If you had walked 4km (as I had done many a time) you would have come into the middle of the village of Otisic. It is still there and there are only a handfull of people still living there, mainly old people who have no where else to go. You were so near and yet so far what a shame. Can I mention to you that my family are also related to the Rnic family. There are quite a lot of Rnic families here in England.

Posted : 09/03/2006 11:42 pm
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Do you know if the Church is still standing?



Posted : 11/03/2006 8:56 am
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Hello everyone,
My parents are from Otisic, and my mother is born as Rnic. Some rnic families from otisic live in Serbia (Batajnica, Zemun, Kovin, Zrenjanin)
There is a branch of family in England (Bristol,Kidderminster,London).
Also, some of Rnics from Otisic live in USA(Chicago,Cliveland)

About village
Church is renewed couple months ago (There was donation by Otisic emigration for church bell. Peter and Marko Rnic from England take part in action)

Only couple families (old people) came back to Otisic. There is no electricity and few huses has been renewed by unhcr. My grandfather plans to go to Otisic very soon...
If you interested for more details please contact me on email.

Branislav Tomic

Posted : 17/03/2006 8:19 pm
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Dobar dan Branislav

Iam interested to hear that your mother was born a Rnic. My father Nikola Rosic was also born in Otisic,his father was Todor Rosic, I believe an only child, he died in 1947 41 years. his mother was Cvita or Milica Rnic, I believe she died in 1933 aged around 28 years, I think she had 2 brothers, Pane & Mico and 3 sisters, Cvita ? ( Subotic ), Rozica ( Petrovic ) and Draginja ( Vujasin ). I know my fathers's 1st cousins ( on Rnic side of family ) are:-
Boja Zagorac
Todor Subotic
Anica Subotic
Draginja Zagoric
Ruzica Rnic
Peta Rnic
Milica Rnic
Anica Rnic
Gojko Rnic
Darinka Rnic

My father's 2nd cousins, on his father's side are :
Petar Rosic
Milan Rosic
Milica Rosic
Petar Rosic
Gojko Rosic
Joka Zagorac

I think my father's grandfather was Joka and his grandmother Cvita.

I have driven to Otisic twice from the UK, although I can understand some of the language I am a little confused as to who is who. Are we related ?
I would love to hear from anyone who maybe knows who I belong to !!!
Thanks so much

Posted : 20/06/2006 12:10 pm
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Hello Diana
I read your message and I am convinced you are Diana Krivosic, your father was Rade and your mother Boja, I am Maria ( nee Rosic ), daughter of Nikola. Do you live in Cheltenham ?
I would love to hear from you.

Posted : 22/06/2006 7:04 am
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