
Rnic family surname
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Rnic family surname

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Hello Maria

Yes you are right, I am or should I say was Diana Krivosic. I think I know who you are if your mothers name is Monica?
Nice to hear from you, please write back.

Posted : 04/07/2006 12:28 am
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Hello Diana or should I say Dpbar dan !

Yes you have remembered the right Maria - how lovely. Do you have any news of any of my relations, I haven't heard anything for aroung 8 years and would love to know where everyone is and whether they are still alive !Do you still live in Cheltenham ? I live in Aberdeen now and have been in Scotland for 3 years.
Please get in touch soon.
Love Maria

Posted : 04/07/2006 12:14 pm
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Dobar Dan Marija

Nice of you to write back and yes I am still in Cheltenham. Unfortunately I dont know much of the where abouts of your family, but I am planning to go to Croatia in the next few weeks and will be visiting Otisic for "old times sake" time permitting. I will be going to Batajnica in Serbia to see my sister and will ask her about your family, she will know :)
Aberdeen eh? What took you there?
Write back.
Love Diana

Posted : 04/07/2006 5:52 pm
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Hello Marija

My aunt Boja Rnic married a Gojko Rosic in Otisic and they have 3 children called Milan, Nedjeljko and Jovan, could their be a link with our families. I also have an aunt called Darinka Rnic who married Mirko Jovcic and they have 4 children called Stevan, Mile, Desa and Draginja.

Kind Regards
Marija Rnic

Posted : 07/07/2006 6:14 pm
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Dobar dan Marija

Do you know the name of Darinka Rnic's father ?
Please keep in touch.

Posted : 07/07/2006 9:32 pm
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Dobar Dan Marija

My grandfather was Obrad or Obrid I not too sure about the spelling and my baba was Ilinka.:-) I never met my grandfather but I did meet baba several times when she came to England to visit.

Kind regards

Posted : 10/07/2006 12:10 pm
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That would be Obrad ;)


Posted : 10/07/2006 12:20 pm
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Hello Marija

I just happened to be searching the internet for my father's village, Otisic, and came across this link. Reading through the various messages I saw your one and think that you mention my father's name. I am a Krunic, which I suppose must stem from Rnic, and his name is Jovan. His step-mother's name is Boja and step-brother's Milan and Nedjeljko. My father also has a sister though called Joka which you do not mention. My grandfather's name, my father's father was Todor. Is this the same family that you are talking about. I would be interested to hear from you.

Kind regards.


Posted : 04/08/2006 5:44 pm
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I saw your post on the website I stumbled upon! My unncle Nikola Krivosic lives in Birmingaham. My father Petar (now deceased) kept in touch with distant cousins in England. One was Todor and I can't remember the other. I am in the USA.

Posted : 11/07/2007 8:45 pm
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I visited a family in Cheltenham in the summer of 1986. She had two small children at the time. I am a Krivosic, and my Kum is an Rnich. Both came to the US in the late forties/early 50's.

Posted : 11/07/2007 8:48 pm
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Hi Djuro

My father was from Otisic, his mother was a Rnic, I have a list of many of the family names.

Posted : 19/07/2007 9:21 pm
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i too am an rnic my father dragan was born in otisic he was the youngest of 5 children after ww2 my father moved to england and settled in kidderminster with his older brother nikola my father lived in england for 5 years before settling in canada where he met my mother (who was from lika) they had 3 daughters (i am the oldest) rnic's are still in the kidderminster area and around oxford i go and visit serbia every year all of my relatives are around the batajnica area - when i visit i feel like they made their own otisic there - there are rnic's in the chicago indiana area also with the the ratic's who are also related

Posted : 05/08/2007 4:23 am
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U toku je izrada porodicnog stabla Rnica koji su iz Otisica, Dalmacija.Veliki broj njih kolonizovali su pa gotovo sve krajeve sveta. Ako se nosite ovo prezime ili vasi preci dolaze iz ovog sela, Dostavite mi podatke i pomozite u izradi ovog porodicnog stabla.Hvala

Posted : 20/09/2007 4:41 pm
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U toku je izrada porodicnog stabla Rnica koji su iz Otisica, Dalmacija.Veliki broj njih kolonizovali su pa gotovo sve krajeve sveta. Ako se nosite ovo prezime ili vasi preci dolaze iz ovog sela, Dostavite mi podatke i pomozite u izradi ovog porodicnog stabla. podatke mozete dostaviti na mail [email protected] ili [email protected]

Posted : 20/09/2007 4:43 pm
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Hello Maria

My name is Bosco Rnic and I am the son of Pane Rnic. Your father mother Cvita and my father Pane and uncle Mico was brothers and sister. Yours mothers mother was Milica Rnic and her brother was Obrad Rnic. I live in Canada. I could help you to answering any question you have about our family.Plese contact me on this email [email protected]

Posted : 24/09/2007 6:00 pm
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