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Searching for biological family

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I need some help to find my biological father who was a doctor , working at a hospital in the area of Pancevo/(Dolovo) between 1970-1971. I have only little information of him, and I am not sure if he is still alive.
His name is Rade Mihajlovic , born around 1939.

I am the child (formerly Sonja Mihajlovic) of Rade Mihajlovic.
I am born 11th of june 1971 in Dolovo - later adopted to Denmark in February 1972.

Perhaps Rade has been working as a doctor in the Belgrade area , I have no knowledge of this - but it is possible that he´s name could be traced in medical circles.

If anyone can help with further information about him and his background, and maybe information about siblings , I will be thankful.

Any kind of help will be appreciated.

/Karina Sonja Bjerre

[email protected]

Posted : 30/03/2015 7:48 am
Posts: 1893
Noble Member

Hello Karina,

Do you happen to know if he was military or not? If you do not want to post sensitive information on the public forum I suggest SGS membership so you can post in the members only forum.


Posted : 18/04/2015 9:14 pm
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Hi Sergej

Thank you for the response.
Unfortunately I have no knowledge regarding he´s military activities.
I would guess that he might have served the military in he´s early years, before he graduated as a doctor.

/ Karina Bjerre

Posted : 19/04/2015 3:28 pm
Posts: 1893
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Hi Karina,

I checked the phonebook of Pancevo and couldn´t find anybody there with that name. Now Mihajlović is a common surname, but there were no Rade´s registered. Do you happen to know if that was his real firstname or nickname? Do you have an old address? I know people who live in Pancevo and could check it then.


Posted : 19/04/2015 6:28 pm
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I have hit a roadblock researching my great grandparents, Ivan Arthur Zalac and Viktoria Dorosulick
Both of whom were Roman Catholic and born in Sremska Mitrovica. They immigrated to the USA and settled in Detroit , Michigan in about 1905.

I believe Ivan to have been born in 1873 and Viktoria in 1884 and they were married in Sremska Mitrovica.

Does anyone have any information or know where I may find information?

Thank you so mush for any leads. God bless. Debbie Graham

Posted : 19/05/2015 2:34 am