
Smiljanić from Brin...
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Smiljanić from Brinje and Vrzić from Brlog area

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- Smiljanić clan came to Brinje area in 1638. (source: Seobe i naselja u Lici, Stjepan Pavičić, 1962.).

- In year 1915. in Brinje area were 27 houses of Smiljanić clan - 24 in village of Prokike, 1 in village of Rapain klanac and 2 in village of Županjol. (source: Plemenski rječnik Ličko-krbavske županije, Radoslav Grujić, 1915.).

- (1897. - 1946.)

year 1897. Smiljanić Stevan from Prokikea

year 1889. Smiljanić Dane Stankov from Prokike, household 48

year 1921. Smiljanić Mile Isin from Prokike, household 33

year 1921. Smiljanić Drago Isin from Prokike, household 33

year 1926. Smiljanić Vujo Stakin from Prokike, household 77/57

year 1926. Smiljanić Đuro Mikin from Prokike, household 74/55

year 1928. Smiljanić Đuro Anin from Prokike, household 34

year 1929. Smiljanić Ilija Milin from Grabar, household 6

year 1938. Smiljanić Stevo Milin from Grabar, household 6

year 1939. Smiljanić Zdravko Milin from Grabar, household 6

source: Srpsko privredni društvo Privrednik (1897. - 1946.)



- Vrzić clan came to Brlog and Senj area in 1611. (source: Seobe i naselja u Lici, Stjepan Pavičić, 1962.).

- In year 1915. in Brlog area were 30 houses of Vrzić clan - 3 in village of Brlog, 1 in village of Lučani (Brinje area) and 26 in Melnice (today Vrzići) village.

- (1897. - 1946.)

year 1903. Vrzić Vasilj Đurin from Brlog, household 161

year 1911. Vrzić Marko Danin from Lučani, household 43/58

year 1921. Vrzić Dane Trivunov from Brlog, household 157

year 1921. Vrzić Milan Todin from Vrzić selo, household 147

year 1923. Vrzić Mane Miličin from Vrzić selo, household 153

year 1924. Vrzić Nikola Anin from Lučani, household 39

year 1934. Vrzić Dane Milivojev from Lučani, household 43

year 1938. Vrzić Dušan Jelenin from Vrzić selo, household 157

year 1938. Vrzić Petar Manin from Vrzić selo, household 56

year 1938. Vrzić Dušan Milivojev from Lučani, household 43

year 1941. Vrzić Stevo Manin from Vrzić selo, household 177

year 1942. Vrzić Dušan Đurin from Vrzić selo, household 153

source: Srpsko privredno društvo "Privrednik" (1897. - 1946.)



Posted : 11/07/2012 11:08 pm
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 s j
Posts: 23
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How would one go about searching for birth / death records?  Are there churches in the area that might be able to assist with records?


I am looking for Vrzić from Selo Vrzić: Mane, Anka, Mara, Anđelija, Milica, Julia, and Yulika

Town is also known as: Vrzići

Their parents were: Dane Smiljanić and Milica Vrzić


Posted : 16/01/2013 1:16 am
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 s j
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CORRECTION: The parents were: Dane Vrzić and Milasova / Milica Smiljanić

Children Julka born about 1903 and Milica born around July 1892

Posted : 06/03/2014 3:12 am
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 s j
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Trying to locate the Serbian Orthodox Church in the area, and find out if there are local cemeteries. Trying to locate information on the families mentioned above. Looking for birth, death, marriage and baptismal information. Any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you!

Posted : 13/01/2015 1:30 am
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 s j
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Vrzic, Vujo 1913 Vrzici, Austria Majestic (1890)
Vrzic, Mile 1905 Sibinj, Hung. Carpathia
Vrzic, Julka 1924 Vizici, Jugoslavia Suffren
Vrzic, Mila 1909 Slotnik, Hungary Ryndam
Vrzic, Jovan 1910 Slatnik, Croatia Rhein
Vrzic, Dmitar 1913 Vrgice, Hungary Martha Washington
Vrzic, Krila 1909 DETAINED Rijndam
Vrzic, Mija 1912 Melina, Hungary Carpathia
Vrzic, Vaso 1910 Vrsic, H. Argentina
Vrzic, Nikola 1904 Brbog Carpathia
Vrzic, Mane 1905 N/A Pannonia
Vrzic, Luka 1911 Velika Tama, Hungary Carpathia
Vrzic, Luka 1909 Zolcuci, Hungary Kroonland
Vrzic, Sofia 1909 Melwice, Hungary Ultonia
Vrzic, Yelena 1924 Brlog, Jugoslavia Paris
Vrzic, Anna 1923 Stupnik, Yugoslavia Berengaria
Vrzic, Ljuba 1923 Stupnik, Yugoslavia Berengaria
Vrzic, Vasilj 1908 Brlog, Austria La Savoie
Vrzic, Kija 1908 N/A Kroonland
Vrzic, Petar 1907 Maluice Giulia
Vrzic, Nikolis 1907 Bzlog Statendam
Vrzic, Ilija 1907 Melnice Statendam
Vrzic, Hans 1906 Melnice Zeeland
Vrzic, Stana 1907 Brlog, Hungarian Francesca
Vrzic, Izo 1906 Melnice Zeeland
Vrzic, Stoja 1907 Brlog, Hungarian Francesca
Vrzic, Stevan 1906 Brlog Ultonia

Posted : 16/01/2015 7:50 pm
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 s j
Posts: 23
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Need assistance interpreting the above census data. Thank you

Posted : 25/01/2015 5:28 pm
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 s j
Posts: 23
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Is there a way to get the details on the census listings mentioned in Okir1793's post above for the families in Prokike in 1915?
" In year 1915. in Brinje area were 27 houses of Smiljanić clan - 24 in village of Prokike"

Posted : 01/11/2015 5:16 am
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 s j
Posts: 23
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Can any staff comment on whether additional census information is available? Either more details on existing or perhaps additional addresses for the various years listed for both Smiljanic and Vrzic?

Posted : 12/12/2015 8:05 am