Any help for my research around the three places - anything at all.
biti drag bejah bilo ko dodati iako informacija ako gore selo
bedan moj srbin je bedan
Andy what is this? If you need something to be translated from English into Serbian or opposite just ask (couple of sentences, no problem).
Some of those words are insulting to Serbians, others doesn't mean anything. Do you know what are you doing?
Sorry I used metak like Sergei suggested when I first joined. If I caused any insult I apologise it was not meant - remember my roots are Serbian too...
What I am doing is this - I am trying to find my roots. OK I was born and raised in the UK but have you any idea what it feels like not really knowing who you really are?
Ok, no problem, I understand you, but all of us interested in genealogy or personal history are looking for something: roots, identity, persons etc. No matter where is birthplace.
I used online translators and can say that all of them make mistakes. Some of them less, but there is no perfect one. Send me in English what you wanted to say and I'll translate it.
Thanks Bogdan - What I was trying to say that if anyone could offer anyinformation of the above places - especially Brdjani near Sopovo this would be greatly appreciated.
No wander most of the things that i tried to translate using Metak did not mean much sense - Once again sorry if i caused any insult in my rubbish attempt at the Serb language.
Andy this is translation in Serbian:
Bio bih veoma zahvalan svakome ko mi moze dati neku informaciju o ovim mestima, narocito Brdjanima kod Sopova. Hvala unapred.