
Subotica vital reco...
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Subotica vital records

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I've found the following web page from the city of Subotica that I believe will allow me to order vital records (birth, marriage, death):

The only trouble for me is they mail the records only to addresses in Serbia, and collect their fee upon delivery. I live in the United States, and they told me directly they only mail to addresses in Serbia.

Is there anyone here I can work with that could receive a record from this service, and forward it to me, or scan it and e-mail it to me? I'd be willing to pay a small fee, for the trouble.


Posted : 09/03/2018 4:15 am
Posts: 1893
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I am currently not in Serbia so I can't help you out there. Perhaps someone who is and reads this might offer their address. If you are in the States you could the consular services of the Embassy.


Posted : 09/03/2018 1:30 pm
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Thanks, Sergej. I have a Serbian Consulate near me in Chicago - that was a good idea. I will send them an e-mail for advice.

The reply I received from the City of Subotica made it seem like no problem for someone within the country to forward the document on to someone else:

Odgovor na vaš predmet br. 124/2018 :

Narudžbe se samo šalju na teritoriji R Srbije, što znači da ne možemo poslati za USA.
Treba pronaći nekog rođaka, prijatelja, poznanika ko živi na teritoriji R Srbije, pa da on primi pošiljku i onda on šalje za USA.
S poštovanjem,
Kontakt centar 024

Grad Subotica

(In English, from Google Translate)

The answer to your case no. 124/2018:

Orders are only sent on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which means that we can not send for the USA.
You need to find a relative, friend, acquaintance who lives on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, so that he receives the shipment and then sends it to the USA.
With respect,
Contact Center 024

City of Subotica

Hopefully, someone who is a member here and lives in Serbia will see this and will be willing to help me out. Again, I would be willing to pay a small fee for their trouble.


Posted : 10/03/2018 2:25 pm
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maybe i could help you?

Posted : 07/10/2024 8:03 am