
Surname: Baumgärtne...
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Surname: Baumgärtner

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Hi, is there anyone that can check if there are records of birth between 1900 and 1908 in Titel? Parents:Baumgärtner Nándor Venczel and Herczeg Julianna. Roman Catholic. They could have had children in that period either in Titel or Novi Sad.


Posted : 27/02/2013 11:38 pm
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Those archives are not digital. You could check with the Catholic Church there and request information. And perhaps also the municipality archives.


Posted : 15/03/2013 9:45 pm
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Posted : 17/03/2013 10:04 pm
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Catholic church records for Titel until 1922 can also be found at Kalocsai Leveltar:
This is an online archive of the Kalocsa Archdioceses to which the Catholic church of Titel used to belonged. The site is in Hungarian, German and English.
One month access and 30 downloads will cost you 10€, 3 months access and 100 downloads costs 20€,...
The only problem is that there is no index of names. A birth date would help a lot in your search. Otherwise you will have to search all the books between 1900 and 1908. That is a huge job.
Anyway, I have access to the archive at the moment and checked the records for Titel. They are all there.
I wish you could luck!

Posted : 15/09/2013 12:38 pm
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Thank You melbee for replying here, yes, the Kalocsa diocese e-archive has the records .Registering for their service is a bit of a hassle but still that is the one online resource I would recommend to anyone looking for their ancestors who were Roman Catholics from former Bács-Bodrog county of the Austria-Hungary.

I posted detailed descriptions of this e-archive and available records here:

and here:

and I will check if I can locate a record of interest for the family you need.

Posted : 13/11/2013 12:40 pm
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Ok I checked the birth and baptism records of RC for Titel for the period 1900-1908 and there are no records at all with surname Baumgärtner in there. Also no one in the confirmation records from 1914.

That was a quick look up as this parish was small, but to do that for Novi Sad records would be an effort of more than ten, twenty hours of detailed work - and as a volunteer I can only dedicate that amount of time to our paid members who keep the society going.

I suggest that either you register for this e-archive and explore the records in detail on your own with our assistance in navigating the records and translating from Hungarian, or register as a member for Rodoslovlje and have the admin forward me your request for a lookup.

Posted : 13/11/2013 2:07 pm
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Thank you yugaya. I will probably get a subscription for the Kalocsa records in the next few months. I need to get information about some ancestors in the Kanijza confirmation records as well, so once I've consolidated what I need I'll go down that route.
Again, many thanks.

Posted : 13/11/2013 3:30 pm
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You are welcome.:)

For Kanjiža, listed as Magyarkanizsa confirmation records are available for years:

1763, 1823, 1840, 1853, 1868, 1879.

Posted : 13/11/2013 4:08 pm