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Looking for all TEPAVCEVICI. My family is from the area between Gacko and Krstac. Please contact me.............PAVLE TEPAVCEVICH

Posted : 19/02/2007 11:51 pm
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Tek sam stigao na ovaj forum i vidim da mnogi ljudi prosto vape za bilo kakvim podatkom o svojoj porodici, pa kad sam tu ne mogu nocas da bar jednom covjeku ne odgovorim.
Pavle, ja znam mnogo Tepavcevica. Oni danas zive u Gacku, Vratkovicima, Kazancima, itd... u istocnoj Hercegovini. Moj pok. otac je napisao vise knjiga koje na razne nacine osvjetljavaju porijeklo srpskih porodica, prezimena, etnologiju.
Da samo navedem podatak da u knjizi "Dobrovoljci iz Gacka 1912-1918" ima 14 Tepavcevica Solunskih dobrovoljaca.
Tepavcevic (Pavlov) Janko je cak nosilac "Karadjordjeve zvijezde".
Mislim da je ovo za sada dovoljno. Javite se Vi meni na adresu: [email protected]

Posted : 30/03/2007 10:42 pm
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Dobro došao Castaneda,

mislim da će ovaj forum sa Vašim dolaskom svakako dobiti na "snazi", a nadam se da će Vam slobodno vrijeme biti blagonaklono (meni baš i nije) da pomognete našim ljudima u pronalaženju vlastitih korijena.

Bratski pozdrav,

Branimir Vujičić

Posted : 31/03/2007 9:17 pm
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My great-grandfather(predjedo) Vasilije Tepavcevic was born in Krstac in 1888/89. Vasilije came to America in 1907. There were 5 brothers all together, Andrija - Ilija - Vasilije - Djordjije - Nikola. Andrija, Vasilije, and Nikola came to America but Nikola went back to Crna Gora or Hercegovina. Whoever are descendents of Djordjije, Ilija, and Nikola,or a more distant cousin. I would very much like to talk to you and find out more about my family. Please write in English. My family has been in America to long and we do not know the language very well.

Thank You, Pavle

Posted : 01/04/2007 3:20 pm
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Hello Pavle,

I presume that Mr. Castaneda have a lot of informations about your family. He wrote in his post that you contact him at [email protected]
I only have some generaly informations about Tepavcevics family.
Contact Castaneda, I supose that he speak english, if he does not I will translate his text.


Posted : 01/04/2007 8:27 pm
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Hello Pavle,
I'm living in Gacko. My mother was born as Tepavcevic in small vilage Bobotovo groblje (Vratkovici). I know all of Tepavcevic in Gacko and Krstac. If you need data about your causins yet, I can it send to you. Let send me names of your father, grandfather, date of birth (years),year of leaving Gacko. I will tolk with my mother and my uncle and your causins and send to you.
Please send your data to my e-mail [email protected].

Posted : 07/09/2007 8:09 am
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I am very happy to hear from you. My name is Pavle Tepavcevic(1974). My great-grandfather(predjedo) Vasilije was born in 1888 or 89 and came to America in 1907. Vasilije's brothers are Andrija, Djordjije, Ilije and Nikola. Andrija came to America before Vasilije. Vasilije married Marija (slovenian) and had one daughter Lubica and two sons, Pajo and the other son died at birth. Pajo is my grandfather(djedo). Pajo married Bernice (polish) and had two sons. Pavle and Andrija. Andrija is my father (tata) and he had one son, me Pavle and one daughter Kariana. Kariana married Jovo Radjenovic and have two sons Danilo and Marko. My uncle(stric) Pavle has 3 daughters Djenifer, Andrea, Alexis and 1 son Mihailo. I married Kim and have 2 daughters, Anastasija and Sofija. Vasilije was born in Krstac. If you want more information on American Tepavcevici please e-mail me at [email protected]. I would like to hear more from you!

Posted : 12/09/2007 12:16 am
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Dear Pavle,
I have a lot of information for you.Today, I visited my uncle (ujak=brother of my mother) Pero Tepavcevic and talked with him about you.He recommended talk with his neighbor and causin Radivoje Tepavcevic. He is an 80 years old men. Hi is one of oldest member of Tepavcevic family in Gacko and Krstac.
Radivojes story:
Radivojes uncle (stric=mothers brother) Petar and Vasilije (Radivoje says Vasilj) went to America 1907, after Andrija (1906). They merried with two sisters from Maribor (Slovenia), Petar with Ana and Vasilije with Marija. Petars son Vlado (was born 1916) lived in Chicago and moved to San Diego and now lives there. Well, Petars mother and your great-grandmother were sisters.
For New Year 2006 Vlado sent postcard to Radivoje. If you want I can send his adress to you.
Vlado had two brothers, Radovan i Sava. They died.
Nikola (Vasilijes brother) gave back to Krstac and died 1917/18 due Spanish fever. He was not married.
Djordjije and Ilija lived a long.
Jovo is Djordjijes descendant. He lives in Gacko. He is married, but he hasn't children.He has a sisters which are married.
Milan and Scepan are Ilijas descendant. They live in Niksic (Crna Gora). Milan has two sons which are married.
Scepan is married, but he hasn't children.
Father of Vasilije, Djordjije, Ilija, Nikola and Andrija was Piljo. It is maybe nickname.
Vasilije, Djordjije, Ilija, Nikola and Andrija was born in village Bobotovo Groblje. It is small village on border beetwen Hercegovina and Crna Gora. It belongs to Crna Gora. Part of village named Susic valley. Krstac is the nearest administrative center. It is also village, but with primary school,ambulance, post office and register of population (I don't know how it says in English). Consequently, Vasilijes place of birth is written Krstac.
I took few photo of Vasilijes and his brothers home. Nowadays, it is just ruin.
I will send to you at your e-mail.
I hope that you will be satisfied with this information.
If you want, I can find adresses of your causins in Niksic (Ilijas descendant) and Gacko (Djordjijes son).Probably, they better knows all.
That is all for now.
Best Regards,
Sasa Nikolic.

Posted : 14/09/2007 9:38 pm
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Thank you Sasa...Your English is better than my Serbian. I know Vlado,Radovan and Sava. Pajo is the father of Vasilije, Djordjije, Ilija, Nikola and Andrija. I was told that Nikola came to America for a little while and then went back to Crna Gora. Let me know if this is true. Also I would like to know what clan Tepavcevici belong to in Bobotovo Groblje. Thank you (hvala puno) again for this information, it really helps me complete the family tree. Vasilj married Marija and Petar married Ana. What were Marija's and Ana's last name(prezime)? I do not know if it was Derzic or Druzic. Hvala puno i drago upoznati vas, dovidjenja!!!!!

Posted : 15/09/2007 12:12 am
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Dear Sasa
Pajo's brothers are Piljo, Trivko and Nenoje. My djedo Pajo was named after his djedo Pajo. My family tree goes as such.....Spasoje(1710-?)-Bosko(1740-?)-Tomo-Mato-Gajo-Pajo-Vasilj(1889?-1964)-Pajo(1927-1998)-Andrija(1952-)-Pavle(1974-)-Anastasija(2003-) and Sofija(2006-).

My uncle Ladislava(Vlado),we call him uncle Lado and my djedo are distant cousins. Vlado's father Petar and my predjedo are also distant cousins. Vlado's family tree goes as such.....Knez Dobroslav-Vukosav-Mitar-Krsto-Spiro(1843-1937)-Petar(1890-1981)-Vlado(1916-)-Olga.

There is also Radule(1940-) here in America. Radule came from Kalinovik. Radule's family tree goes as such....Sava(1750-?)-Obren-Perisa-Kosta-Nikola-Radule(1940-)-Jovanka and Mila.

There was also Jovan who came to America. Jovan's family tree is the same as Radule's. Radule's uncle is Jovan. Nikola and Jovan are brothers. Jovan died a long time ago. Jovan married a German woman. Jovan shortened his last name Tepavcevic to Tepich. Jovan's son is Steven Tepich and Stevan has Rajan. There are many more Tepavcevici in Canada. I met Dusan and Slavko in Canada. I do not know them all. Slavko Tepavcevic wrote a book called Pleme Orlovici Bratstvo Tepavcevici. You should try and get a copy of it.

See you later(Dovidjenja)......Pavle

Posted : 16/09/2007 2:55 pm
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I sent you photos of Vasilije births home at your e-mail [email protected] check it. I will try check in Krstac (church and area office) with my causin is there documentation about Vasilije and his brothers and father. If will be, we can check Vasilije's date of birth (maybe and Pajo). I will done it within few days.
I hope that you understend my English.

Posted : 17/09/2007 10:38 am
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Dear Sasa
Yes I do understand your English, it is better than my Serbian. Thank you so much for your help, it means alot to me. I would really like to know what clan my great-grandfather belonged to. Hvala puno.

Posted : 17/09/2007 9:15 pm
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I was told Nikola, Vasilije's brother went to America really for a little and went back to Crna Gora (Bobotovo Groblje). He died in 1917. 0r 1918. due Spanish fever ("Spanska kuga" is virus which kill a lot of people in these years.)
He was not merried. He had not descendants.
For your second question what clan Tepavcevici belonged to, I will check.

Posted : 19/09/2007 12:56 pm
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My djedo told me that Andrija came to America first and then Vasilije. Nikola came to live in America, but decided to go back to Crna Gora. My djedo also said some relatives came for a visit to America. He said that one of his uncles was so big and tall that he had to duck his head and turn side ways to walk through the front door. Do you know which relative this is? I seen a picture of Ilija and he looks just like my father. Very soon I will send you some pictures and you can tell me if I or my children look like any of my relatives. Thank you again for all your help.......Pavle

Posted : 26/09/2007 1:39 am