
Vrebac surname
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Vrebac surname

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My maternal grandfather was Nikola (Nicola) Vrebac. I'm not sure when he emigrated to the United States, but he became a citizen in 1944. I believe he was born in Bosanska Dubica. He died in 1957; I believe he was in his late 60s at the time.

My mother is his daughter from his first marriage. She was raised by her mother. She said he celebrated Sveti Jovan (January 20th) as his krsna slava, but she does not recall meeting any of his relatives (brothers, sisters, cousins). She thought he told her he had two sisters who were tall, but is not sure. They may have emigrated to the US as well.

Nikola re-married sometime in the 1930s or 1940s, a woman named Desanka Tesla. They had one son, my uncle Nick Vrebac.

I am coming to Serbia in the summer of 2008 and would like to travel to where my grandfather was from. I'd love to meet any relatives I might have that are still in the area. Any information about the Vrebac surname would be appreciated.

Posted : 27/11/2007 10:14 pm
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I have more information on my grandfather. We found his baptismal certificate. Nikola Vrebac was born on May 15, 1894 in Komlenac. His parents were farmers who lived in house 14. They were Mile and Simeuna (Miljatovic) Vrebac. He is listed as the 2nd child, but my mother thought her father said he was the "smallest" or "youngest" of six. She thought he had two sisters and at least one brother.

Posted : 01/12/2007 2:20 pm
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Hi Mira

My name is Dijanna and my last name is Vrebac. I live in Australia and i am trying to figure out my family tree, history. My father was born in Bosna in Kiseljak and is one of 11 childeren. He moved to Australia when he was about 19 and married my mother who is from Slavonia. He does not know much about his ancestory but i still need to interrogate him with all my questions. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and i just started my research last night on Facebook. There seem to be quite alot of us and im sure we are all related some way or another. I only have one other Uncle here, my dads brother who is now divorced but has a son. From what i know we are the only Vrebacs living here in Australia.

Posted : 09/04/2008 1:01 am
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in village komlenac near town kozarska dubica,living family vrebac, also you need to look page,many people is death on jasenovac

Posted : 21/04/2010 10:32 pm