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VUINOVIĆ / VUJNOVIĆ - Specifičnosti

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RASA - Navodno etnički Srbi, izbačeni iz svoje srpske domovine invazijom Osmanlija
DNK - Bodovi do okruga SREMSKA KAMENICA kod Novog Sada. Međutim, budući da su bili vojna porodica, bili su stacionirani na Slavonskoj vojnoj granici na bilo koji način (teritorija u Habzburškoj monarhiji, prvo u periodu Austrijskog carstva, a zatim u doba Austro-Ugarske Monarhije).
KRETANJE - Izgleda da su se zatim preselili na jug do Zlatiborskog okruga u Plužinama, Foči, Paniku i dalje u Boku Kotorsku. Zatim gore uz dalmatinsku obalu u Ličko-senjskoj i oko manastira Krke u Kistanjama, Brinju, Plačkom, Drežnici, pa dalje u Gomirje. Ono što se može pročitati na veb stranici Gomirske hronike pod „istorijom“ sigurno se odnosi na njih, čuvajući tvrđavu Klis kao „senjski uskoci“. Većina ovih klanskih prezimena na veb stranici Gomirje Chronicle nalazi se na južnoj strani grada Pittsburgh -a, gdje su došli u Ameriku da rade u Čeličani u Pittsburghu, a mnoga od ovih klanskih prezimena pojavljuju se u mojim DNK podudaranjima. Svi oni su pomogli u osnivanju Srpske pravoslavne crkve Svete Trojice u Vajtholu u Pitsburgu.
RELIGIJA - Grko -pravoslavni (neki Vujnovićevi pronađeni su u grkokatoličkim zapisima na drugim područjima, ali nisam siguran da li su u srodstvu. Arhive mi je preporučio grkokatoličkog sveštenika po imenu Milko Predović. Bio je stručnjak za genealogiju i poznavalac Žumberački okrug. Ali umro je pre nego što sam mu poslao novac koji je želeo za „ove zanimljive karte“ kako ih je nazvao.)
CRKVA - Manastir Gomirje. Ali oni su možda prisustvovali Liturgiji kod Svetog Georgija u Ogulinu posle 1867. godine, ali su ti crkveni zapisi uništeni tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Manastir Gomirje je opsluživao moje pretke
selo VITUNJ.
SELO - Vitunj, Ogulin, Karlovac - Poštanski broj 47300
SLAVA - Sv. Jovan
VELIKI DEDA - Petar Vuinović rođen 6.6.1873 Vitunjska kuća#21 od Bože Vuinovića i Marte (Trbović -DNK)
VELIKA BAKA - Marta Vujnović rođena 29.02.1880 Vitunjska kuća#45 od Bože Vujnovića i Angeline (Kovačević -DNA)
*Devojačka imena Marte i Angeline zasnovana su na podudaranju DNK treće rođake, ali mogu biti pogrešna

[Pogledajte priložene tabele procene prezimena rodovnika zasnovane na preliminarnom uvidu u zapise o braku u Gomirju u kombinaciji sa mojim podudaranjima DNK i drugim tragovima. Korišćena su samo prezimena koja se pojavljuju na veb stranici Gomirske hronike. Ostalo je samo jedno prezime - Mudrić, ali se može pojaviti i u stvarnoj rodovničkoj karti. Napomena - DNK vam ne može reći pol, niti koje prezime se udalo koje prezime ili koje prezime će se pojaviti na kojoj tabeli. Ali zato što su Petar i Marta imali 7 godina razlike, zapisi o braku koji se odnose na njen grafikon pojavljuju se 7-10 godina kasnije od Petra.]

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RACE - Supposedly ethnic Serbs, kicked out of their Serbian homeland by the invading Ottoman's
DNA - Points to the SREMSKA KAMENICA District near Novi Sad. However, since they were a military family, they were stationed there at the Slavonian Military Frontier any way (a territory in the Habsburg Monarchy, first during the period of the Austrian Empire and then during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy).
MOVEMENT - They then appear to have moved southward to the Zlatibor District at Pluzine, Foča, Panik and on to the Bay of Kotor. Then up along the Dalmatian coast in Lika-Senj and around the Krka Monastery in Kistanje, Brinje, Plački, Drežnica, and then on up into Gomirje. What can be read on the Gomirje Chronicle website under 'history' surely pertains to them, guarding the fortress of Klis as the "Uskoci of Senj". Most of these clan surnames on the Gomirje Chronicle website are found on the South Side section of the City of Pittsburgh where they came to America to work in the Steel Mills of Pittsburgh and many of these clan surnames are showing up in my DNA matches. They all helped found the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Whitehall in Pittsburgh.
RELIGION - Greek Orthodox (some Vujnović's were found in Greek Catholic records in other areas but I am not sure if they are related. A Greek Catholic Seminarian priest named Milko Predović was recommended to me by the Archives. He was a genealogy expert and connoisseur of the Žumberak District. But he died before I could send him the money he wanted for "these interesting charts" as he called them.)
CHURCH - Gomirje Monastery. But they may have attended Liturgy at St. Georgija's in Ogulin after 1867 but those church records were destroyed during World War II. The Gomirje Monastery serviced my ancestor's
village of VITUNJ.
VILLAGE - Vitunj, Ogulin, Karlovac-Postal code 47300
SLAVA - Saint Jovan
GREAT GRANDFATHER - Petar Vuinović born 6.6.1873 Vitunj House#21 to Bozo Vuinović & Marta (Trbović-DNA)
GREAT GRANDMOTHER - Marta Vujnović born 29.02.1880 Vitunj House#45 to Bozo Vujnović & Angeline (Kovačević-DNA)
*Maiden names to Marta & Angeline are based on 3rd cousin DNA matches but could be wrong

[See enclosed Pedigree Surname Estimate charts based on a preliminary look at the Gomirje Marriage Records combined with my DNA matches and other clues. Only surnames that appear on the Gomirje Chronicle website were used. Only one surname was left over - Mudrić but may also appear in an actual Pedigree chart. Note - DNA can not tell you the sex, or what surname married what surname or which surnames will appear on which chart. But because Petar and Marta's ages were 7 years apart, marriage records pertaining to her chart are showing up 7-10 years later than Petar's.]


Posted : 28/09/2021 5:09 am
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Thank you for sharing 🙂


Posted : 28/09/2021 3:19 pm
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Posted : 28/09/2021 11:06 pm
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wow my lineage is also from ogulin area

Posted : 15/12/2021 8:32 pm
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cg - Great!  make sure you visit the Gomirje Chronicle website if you haven't already:


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cg - Odlično! obavezno posetite sajt Gomirske hronike ako već niste:

Posted : 15/12/2021 9:40 pm
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Awesome page. My folks were from the selo of Ponikve. So what drove the Serbs of the frontier to immigrate to the USA? It seems the migration happened after Bosnia was awarded to the Austrians in 1878.

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:18 am
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My great grandparents were from selo of Vitunj.  Either that or the Turkish invasions!

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:27 am
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What glory are you celebrating?

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:30 am
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Is Ponikve considered a suburb of Ljubljana? That selo looks more strategically placed. They could slip over to Venice if need be or go in the opposite direction to Zagreb.

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:35 am
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I believe the family Slava is sveti ignjatije. I grew up in a Greek Orthodox Church so I didn’t grow up celebrating Slava. My wife is from Jajce.

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:38 am
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Jajce's got the fortress.


Posted : 16/12/2021 1:45 am
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I think my ancestor trail out of the Bay of Kotor went right through Bosnia and Hercegovina, inland 15-20 miles and up the Dalmatian coastline and on into the Ogulin area.

Posted : 16/12/2021 1:47 am
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@yezizso no it’s near Ogulin. I went there in 2016. About 100 Serbs left. 

Posted : 16/12/2021 2:33 am