Learning Center

July 29, 2008

Codenumbers in/and Gedcom files


To keep the storage of data easy to the eye it is of very great importance that you use the proper coding system to display your data. Although throughout the years many different coding systems were used we still advice you to stick to the most common one in order to prevent errors. Coding also helps you because it’s universal so it allows you to exchange data easier without translation.

The familytree

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Genealogical signs

When we do research it is sometimes not possible for various reasons to put “birth” every time we mention the date. Also…

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Internet and genealogical data

When you use a search engine or any other type of webpage to locate genealogical data you need to be aware of several issue’s.

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June 1, 2008

Historical Heraldry

This section contains several historical works related to Serbian heraldry….

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May 10, 2008

Хералдички обичаји у срба

Стојан Новакович: Хералдички обичаји у србa Стојан Новакович: Хералдички обичаји у срба у примени и књижевности This book is a 19th century…

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Siebmacher; Kingdom of Dalmatia

This edition of Siebmacher deals with heraldry in what was used to be known as the Kingdom of Dalmatia, located in today’s…

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Members List

Board of directors Sergej A.S. Oudman (President) Danica Radisic-Visnjic (Secretary) Viktorija Ugrcic (Clerk) Zeljko Jovanovic Honorary Fellows/Members Dragomir Acovic (President White Eagle/Beli…

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February 8, 2005

Glossary of Turkish word used during the Ottoman period

Ağa Chief; master; head servant of a household Akritai Byzantine frontier troops Acâriz extra-ordinary taxes levied on the reâyâ in times of…

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August 25, 2004

Genealogical books

BOOKS The titles of the books displayed at the Serbian side, are in n/a in English. These books are displayed by the…

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