Last seen: Apr 12, 2024
Hi,Do you also have months and more precise dates? I don't know if you live in the region or not?
Just following up to see if everything worked out after our last post?
You should contact them:br>You can use Google Translate via to translate the site to English. You can try first by email and than...
Hello Thomas,I dont know how far you are with your research, if you have exact dates or not. You could write the archives of Montenegro with a request...
Hi Thomas,Do you have some more specifics?
I advice this thread to be kept in the SGS Member forum for privacy purposes. In Serbia there are strict privacy laws, so before we share info we need...
As she is still alive, she would need to sign a letter and ask the municipality for a copy. You could draft her a letter and ask her to sign it?
Hi Walt,I am on the road in Serbia for the coming 3 weeks so I will not be able to reply until the 10th of August. Do you have any cards or other item...
Hello Walter,The data that you listed, did you get that via Ellis Island?
I just replied in the SGS Section. It would be best if we continue there.
Hi,I dont know if you read my other post with regard to the differences in dates. They are being caused because the Serbian Orthodox Church still uses...
Hi,I just reacted to your other post. The calendar differences may come from the old Orthodox calender that is still being used in the region. Its wis...
Hello and welcome,I would advice you at first to read through the FAQ and Learning Center articles. Also check out the other posts. Bosnia has been wa...
Hi,This forum is for the living, please post your question in the general forum.