How important is religion in my research?
It is very important because it tells you where you need to look. E.g. the Catholic Church has its own books just…
How long does it take to do research?
Some time, Serbia’s archives are not microfilmed and not availible online due to data protection laws. This means you need to go…
I don’t speak Serbian, what should I do?
There are several tools on the internet, one of them is e.g. Google Translate. Although not 100% accurate it can help you…
Adding content
As part of our site updates it is now possible for all registered members to post an article or weblink on our website. You can click on the “Create content” link on the left hand menu and it will go display the content that you can create. Once you created the content we will get a notification and the content will be put in a moderation que until one of our staff had the chance to review it. As soon as its approved you will get an email.
Articles that relate to genealogy, history, family tree’s and other related content will most likely be approved without problems. Its possible the admin’s may ask you to change some things here and there. Posts that advertise, flame or SPAM in any way will be blocked and use accounts may be blocked as well in case of abuse.
Otvoren akademske Sekcija
Otvorili smo akademski odeljak u knjizi odeljak. U ovom članci se obJavljuju naučna prirode u vezi genealogije i istorije. Akademici su pozvani…
A holiday announcement from the founding members of SGS
As we near the end of 2009, unique visits and ineterest in and genealogy research in the region continue to grow. As pioneers in the field of genealogy and online assistance in research in Serbia and the surrounding region, the Founders of this site and the Serbian Genealogy Society (formerly the Serbian Genealogy Foundation) are proud to announce the ongoing development of genealogy as a recognized science and the continued growth and success of the domain.
Molecular Genealogy
From the SMGF website:
Molecular Genealogy (also called “Genetic Genealogy”) is the application of DNA to traditional genealogical research.
We have all come up against barriers or “brick walls” in our genealogical research, where incomplete information prevents us from tracing our ancestry or making connections with other families.
Molecular Genealogy can help break through those barriers by complementing records-based research with rapid advances in DNA technology.
By simple DNA testing methods and the comparison of results, we can determine if individuals may be genetic cousins and share a common ancestor.
Translators and writers
We are looking for volunteers that are willing to translate material into Serbian and vice versa, but also people who want to…