Press Releases

Press release 2014/1

Important notification from the SGS team and board of directors.

For some time now we have made it possible for the public to access most sections on our website. This will change, this month we will move the forums and knowledge center to the SGS section, meaning it will be for members only. Please let us explain why. For over a decade volunteers sacrificed their time on assisting people with their genealogy. A lot of times they received gratitude, but there are also people who are simply being rude. This takes time, effort, frustration and takes away the joy of volunteering.

We are also being confronted with hosting bandwidth costs as we have more then 2000 visitors per day. If we want to operate for another decade we need to change our approach. What will be publicly accessible you ask? In short, the FAQ section and the blogs. This way we can focus on quality instead of quantity. Please let us know how you feel about these oncoming changes, we are as always open to suggestions.