Today : Independent web site that offers daily
news and views on Serbia and Montenegro. Forums and
job database for those who are looking for a job are
also available.

Rodoslovlje : All about genealogy in Serbia.
Search for your ancestors and roots in Serbia and
Montenegro. This web site is run by Serbian genealogy
Foundation that has a project of turning all Serbian
archive records in e-format and making it accessible
via the Internet.

Serbian Orthodox Church
official web site. Beside the news and statements, web
site offers an on-line museum, texts and photos on
Serbian icons, monasteries and much more.

: On-line archeological magazine. Its interesting
articles are educational as well as informative. Past
issues are available in the archive section.

Project Rastko
Non-profit and independent culture project
devoted to the promotion of Serbian art, tradition and
sciences. It is Serbian on-line library with e-texts
from medieval times up to the present day. It also
deals with current historical, ethic and political
Greek Ministry of Culture presents great site packed
with scanned charters, texts and photos. The name they
gave to their site was "ODYSSEUS" because they
believed that he, the greatest of all voyagers, was
the most representative Greek of all. He was also the
character most apt to lead your steps to the
fascinating quest you just start.

Serbian Unity
Congress web site presents medieval coinage
exhibition as well as the great history section
devoted to the Serbian medieval kings and rulers. They
also deal with the current cultural and political

Dusan's Law Codex on-line. This web site
offers complete text as well as the page with
explanations and additional photos related to medieval
Chilandar monastery
: Web site on the famous Serbian medieval monastery
located in Athos, Greece.
Internet Medieval Source Book : The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook is organized as three main index
pages with a number of supplementary documents. Those
sections are: SELECTED SOURCES (an index of selected
and excerpted texts for teaching purposes), FULL TEXTS
SOURCES (Full texts of medieval sources arranged
according to type) and FULL SAINTS LIVES (linked to
Ancient, Medieval and Byzantine hagiographical
ORB (Online
Reference Book for Medieval Studies): The ORB is
an academic site, written and maintained by medieval
scholars for the benefit of their fellow instructors
and serious students. All articles have been judged by
at least two peer reviewers. Authors are held to high
standards of accuracy, currency, and relevance to the
field of medieval studies.
Banat web : Romanian web site presenting
paintings of clothes and regalia of medieval Serbian
kings and aristocracy.
Argos :
Argos is the first peer-reviewed, limited area search
engine (LASE) on the World-Wide Web. It has been
designed to cover the ancient and medieval worlds.
Quality is controlled by a system of hyperlinked
internet indices which are managed by qualified
professionals who serve as the Associate Editors of
the project.
NetSerf : The
Internet connection for medieval resources.
